@verita84 oh yeah
-star fox is on snes.
-star fox 2 is an snes game but wasn't actually released until the snes classic and it's on the nintendo online emulator.
-star fox 64.
-star fox adventures on gamecube, which is just a zelda clone by rare, refactored from an original game called dinosaur planet meant to release on the n64.
-star fox assault on gamecube, more traditional star fox but with on-foot sections, by namco.
-star fox command on the DS, which is a tactics game with fog of war directed by the original star fox dev.
-star fox zero on wii u, which used motion controls and the second wii u screen as a cockpit view, and is a rehash of star fox 64 (which is a rehash of star fox) with elements from assault's story.
-star fox guard, which came packaged with zero and is a tower defense spin-off with slippy and his grandpa or some shit (never played it).
we haven't had a star fox game since 2016, and we arguably haven't had a "real" star fox game since 2005. there was a remake of 64 on the 3DS that was pretty good in like 2012 or 2013, but that doesn't really count.
i still don't think 64 has been matched, from both the actual franchise and fan games attempting to capture the same magic. there is always some unnecessary gimmick or something that is just not quite right in terms of gameplay.
my personal order from best to worst: 643D, 64, assault, adventures, zero, command, star fox, star fox 2. i just can't enjoy those last two with their low frame rates.