@p @verita84 yeah that was command. the tactics one. you would basically have a tactics map that you would draw on to chart the path your arwing would take, and then you might run into some enemies along the way. most of the battles were empty maps in all-range mode, but i think there were some that were more traditional star fox on-rails segments. the thing a lot of people don't like about command is how the story was handled, it's kind of like a CYOA thing and there are tons of different endings you can get that can be very radically different and some of them are also really weird and kind of cringe. like krystal joining star wolf and changing her name to "kursed" or fox and falco becoming f-zero racers lmao.
but what you described is exactly how i felt about star fox zero. if it had regular ass controls, i would have liked it a lot more. i had the most fun playing it when i was playing the two player mode with my friend so i could just use regular controls while he aimed all over the place with the gyro.