@prettygood@socially.drinkingatmy.computer turned out the "artificial intelligence" was all along a bunch of irate bulgarian dropouts drinking hell energy and smoking ciggies
@prettygood mobile suit gundam 00 was a major recommendation on code geass' myanimelist recommendations page so i checked it out today but it's not as good as code geass unfortunately. >.>
@prettygood i'm kinda frustrated at everything right now. i'm sure i'll be over it soon enough, though. i can't exactly have a life if i'm frustrated all the time.
@Nepiant I try to remind myself, whenever its sunny, that there will always be another storm, and vice versa. It doesn't rain forever. That sounds pithy and smooth-brained but it helps me keep perspective on the longer term especially when I'm stuck in the present situation.
@prettygood i don't know why but i keep feeling like the rate that technology advances should be a lot faster than it actually is. i'm surprised that it's still advancing steadily despite how slow that advancement is.
is the bar really moving? we can look at 100 years ago and say that, yes, it must be. but i can't look at the present and see the movement as a whole, and that frustrates me to no end because i'm waiting for the future.
@Nepiant I would put forth that my issue is less with the pace and more with the direction of advancement. We're not doing anything USEFUL with technology anymore, is what it feels like. The world doesn't need chatbots or a thing to generate another generic web application or better advertising metrics or any of the shit like that.
Maybe, as I type this out, I am being myopic about considering "technology" to be synonymous with "software". Software certainly is making advancements, in speed and efficiency and safety, but we aren't seeing that in the news because all the normies want a chatbot or a "vibe coder" or some other waste of space like that.
@Nepiant huh, today I learned. That's pretty neat. FWIW I have zero issue with the blanket label "genetically modified" because it means nothing; we were selecting plants based on their genetic traits before we knew what genes were, we're just doing it faster now.
@prettygood oh, by the way, here's a fun fact i learned recently: did you know that the product of atomic gardens aren't considered GMOs and don't have to be labeled as such?