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this is because "purchasing power" is ultimately a lie - one that was fabricated mostly out of people trying to make good decisions with messy data.
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@jb it is literally true; but it's because of how something like purchasing power is calculated. Is a flat screen tv worth 20x purchasing power of a 14" tube? Well, it's 5x as large, uses 10x less power? That seems like a reasonable calculation?
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> much more purchasing power
How utterly ridiculous
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As the quote goes
There’s lies, damn lies, and statistics
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@jb @EvilSandmich matt yglesias is both stupid and mostly malicious.
But the more important point is this is an example of a measure becoming a goal.
All you have to do is look at CPI and how they calculate baskets of good, and how that ties into inflation.
It's a hard question, because judging circumstance over decades is tricky, and usually very hard to reduce to a few calculations ( which are almost always valid over ajoining years )
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Parents bought a TV in the 50s, my grandmother was still using it in the 80s
That “smart TV” from Costco will brick itself in less than a decade because it can no longer receive software updates from the cloud
Clearly the author is blind or intentionally obfuscates the replacement of “durable goods“ with “consoooooomables”
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@jb @sickburnbro It is ridiculous that those things are equally weighted:
>"We've turned your women into whores and your neighborhoods into slums, neither of which you can afford even in their wretched state, but at least the TV is big, right goy?"
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@EvilSandmich @jb @sickburnbro In the Soviet Union vodka was always cheap. In Jew America entertainment is always cheap