@theorytoe@prettygood@mischievoustomato I for one want Discord and all it's alternatives to burn. Messenger apps were never designed to be used as Message Boards like Discord servers are used as.
@deprecated_ii@theorytoe@supersid333@prettygood no i dont think forums would've kept up, reddit-likes would've become more popular or people would've repurposed chat rooms a la discord anyway as more and more people appeared and wanted stuff more instantly
@prettygood@theorytoe@mischievoustomato I just want to be able to access information on misc game modding without having to know the specific Discord link for an esoteric server that for all I know already went up in smoke taking all the information it held with it to the abyss.
@mischievoustomato@theorytoe@prettygood I'm an active user on Spacebattles Forums, I occasionally glance through Varis's Forum too. You're acting like I don't try and engage with alternatives, the problem is that the masses gather in them and I can't do anything to stop that.
@mischievoustomato@theorytoe@prettygood Yes, and Discord is an ill equiped vessel to replace them because they're stunted, walled garden that suck every useful bit of information inside of them into the void when Discord decides they no longer like what is being posted on it and delete it with no warning.
@mischievoustomato@theorytoe@prettygood When things exist in the public space however, there is more of a chance that it is preserved past it's destruction.
@skylar@theorytoe@supersid333@prettygood yeah it's much easier to just use discord in comparison. Sure I guess people get touchy with phone numbers but i changed phone numbers like i changed socks in the past and never cared
@supersid333@theorytoe@prettygood@mischievoustomato access information? on forums? good fucking luck >you must be signed in to view this post >you must be signed in to download this attachment >your account must be approved by an administrator >you must have 25 posts to view this >you must have 100 reputation to view this
@supersid333@theorytoe@prettygood if people are autistic enough they could think of doing the same on discord, screenshots are free and copying links is too
@skylar@theorytoe@prettygood@mischievoustomato Annoying but you can at least verify something exists through searching the internet. Anything locked away in a Discord server is esoteric knowledge known only to the few allowed to exist on it.
@mischievoustomato@theorytoe@skylar@sapphire@prettygood Thats... Thats what documentation for modding looks like though... I should clarify, my complaints aren't about Downloading mods, my complaints are about finding the information on how to make mods yourself. Though Mods exclusive to Discord annoy me too, they aren't what I'm bitching about
@mischievoustomato@theorytoe@supersid333@skylar@prettygood more common than a discord server that isn't retarded >sign in >you must be ULTRA SUPER REGISTERED DISCORD GOLD NEW GAME PLUS NITRO EXPRESS to visit this server >send Discord your name, phone number, three email addresses, a blood and semen sample (one of each and one mixed) and your mother's social security card (originals only) >enter the welcome channel >instantly banned because one pixel in your avatar is too white for the mods >come back with a new ULTRA SUPER REGISTERED DISCORD GOLD NEW GAME PLUS NITRO EXPRESS account >get into the server >can't find your info because the mods have spent the last 27 days erotic roleplaying with 13 year olds in the on-topic chats >ask a question >banned for not being ebonic enough
@supersid333@theorytoe@skylar@sapphire@prettygood it's not random servers, it's just the discord service itself, i assume even then, I don't give a shit since nothing ever happens. Spam calls? I get those locally. Scams? Not working. Privacy? I can't give a shit