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So, to recap....
We told you Trump was allowed to win
We told you the elections hadn't been "safeguarded"
We told you everything was going to get more jewish
We told you all of the promises would be broken
We told you nobody was getting deported
We told you nobody was getting arrested
We told you nothing was getting disclosed
We told you that you might get some investigations that would lead to nothing
We told you the foreign aid to Israel would never stop
We told you all three branches of your government would be owned by jews/AIPAC/ADL/ForeskinCo
We were right about everything.
Are you ready to admit your republic/democracy doesn't work?
The third position is ethnonationalism. It's time for the productive people of this nation to forcibly eject the traitors, the invaders, the collaborators, and the useful retards.
That's the way forward. The only way forward.
FYI, we're also the people who told you not to get vaccinated. We're right about everything. The internet racists won.
Come to the fun side.
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@Bunsen @ThePoastmasterGeneral @WTFPurpleAlpaca that is indeed a silver lining
what the normies want and what we want are different things and its gay to sound off a list of obvious gripes as if one is so big brained they totally called what this shabos goy was going to clearly and predictably do
>reee he hasn't rounded people up
>reee he hasn't gassed the kikes
are you mentally ill or just retarded to have had that expectation? what fucking political system do you think operates in the us?
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I didn't say he was going to gas the kikes.
Like you said, that would be retarded, he's jewish as fuck.
NOTHING has been done. "Greatest deportation operation in history" became a thousand beaners that were probably already in prison.
DOGE has exposed a bit of fraud that nothing has been done about.
YES, ALL of the normies that voted for Trump expected Arrests, Investigations, Indictments, political retribution. All you have to do is read their poasts to see that. If this poast wasn't directed at you then don't read it, go massage your massive brain.
I'm talking to the people who got NOTHING of what they were promised that need to understand they're in a cult led by a snake oil salesman. If you don't need to hear that, carry on.
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@ThePoastmasterGeneral @dictatordave @WTFPurpleAlpaca The good news is that the government is destroying its own credibility. Half of the country thinks that the government is fascistic and will never be good again. When half of the country thinks that the government is irredeemably evil, things will get...interesting.
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @ThePoastmasterGeneral because fatalism isn't a kike trick or anything
totally based
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I'm no doomer. I'm a man of action.
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@ThePoastmasterGeneral Absolute fire, Poastmaester cool it with the based-ism, save some for the rest of us.
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @dictatordave @ThePoastmasterGeneral Yep. This will never end peacefully. This country will be reduced to an apocalyptic state.
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Our people can rebuild. The end of civilization destroys shit skins. A nuclear war targeting America's biggest 20 cities turns us into a 90% White ethnostate overnight
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@dictatordave @ThePoastmasterGeneral Realism isn't fatalism. You can't kill what you refuse to acknowledge is trying to kill you in turn. Trump is the enemy as surely as any purestrain rabbi with foreskins hanging from the corner of his mouth, and if he tells you what you want to hear while he sinks the knife into your guts, well, that's on you if you believe a word of it. Sorry. The only way our race comes through this is by stop being copefags and start developing an uncompromising resistance to all who want to profit off the corpses of our race.