@Hoss Isn't it interesting that Arkansas is a state of 3 million people, but the Clintons, Walmart, and a major drug smuggling ring came from there? Now Tucker is saying Tom Cotton (R-AR) asked an appointment be held back because he would push for the release of the JFK files. Isn't that odd? State of 3 million people. Many states have single cities that are bigger than that.
Everybody should research the Boys on the Tracks case. Happened while the Clintons were running Arkansas. This playlist covers pretty much everything and it'll make you ask yourself "What in the actual fuck was going on in Arkansas?" for eight hours straight. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtK3bgCqvVqqANDfUMiNwwu7hnpCcKcNc
@Hoss I shilled Wendigoon's video to TGA a while back. The drug trade in AR and the state of AR look like they're the same thing. The cops being the hitmen that probably killed the boys is the craziest part. Imagine seeing a prosecutor in the woods at night, he tries to grab you, you run, and then the cops do you in. It's insane and the most mind-twisting case I've heard since the Yuba 5, which also probably involved drug dealers. The fact the state was so, so deeply involved means the prosecutor was probably just the scapegoat, and he got got a couple years later on unrelated drug smuggling charges. I think it went up high. I think the Clintons were probably involved. I think the FBI and CIA know what happened and who did it and haven't gotten involved because it's pretty much a political question involving the state and cartels and who knows what. What's fascinating about this case is that It's an eensy-weensy peephole into the whole nature of the drug trade. And it's not even gone to trial.
Don't forget the witness who was found beheaded in his house which was ruled a suicide. Or the mentally retarded neighbor of another witness who was pinned for his murder because he saw the hit team entering the house.
@Hoss What's craziest to me are the eyewitnesses. It's like everyone and their grandma was awake and hiking in the woods at 4am. And the number of people that died? 6 witnesses. One confirmed murdered, 113 stab wounds in his garage, and the other two shot. Yet the case didn't die.
@Hoss That's the guy who got stabbed 113 times. Which is crazy to think they'd pin it on one dude. Did they even have any evidence? And the witness who knew he was going to die and began preparing for his death and then, surprise, died. Also, the beheaded guy. The state medical examiner said his dog ate his head, and then they found the head in a dumpster a couple months later. That same medical examiner was directly involved in saying the boys weren't murdered, upon the first examination. It's crazy how many powerful people were behind this.
Not directly related, but if you want another crazy case from the same era that had deep connections to powerful people, you should check out the Franklin Credit Union Scandal as well if you haven't heard of it already. Never let them tell you Satanic Panic was unfounded paranoia. https://youtu.be/5XhlqsTAb2w
>Private investigator hired to investigate the case dies in a plane crash on his way back from gathering evidence and statements from a key witness. Briefcase containing evidence suspiciously missing from the crash site. >Former Director of the CIA who was assisting the investigation later found dead in the river near his cabin after going out on his canoe. Cause of death ruled accidental drowning. He was not found wearing a life vest, despite being well-known for his safety consciousness while boating. Nothing weird going on here at all. Nope, no siree.
@Hoss@griffith >Kids pressing charges get jailed for perjury AS PLAINTIFFS as authorities put one through heroin withdrawal until she recanted and sold the other kids out A lot of people in that town died happy and peaceful lives that shouldn't have. That crowd also had a pageant called the Knights of Quivira Ball where they'd jerk one another off before voting on the King and Queen of Quivira. The King they crowned was always some old fossil with a ton of money and the Queen was some 18-21 year old debutante trying to get into high society. It's pretty disgusting.
Cases like the Franklin Scandal and this one suggest that Epstein is only one small piece of a massive syndicate of depravity and evil that has been operating unchecked for at least half a century, if not longer. https://youtu.be/SUZgDJ7_q94
>In 2014, 90 pounds of cocaine were found on a cargo ship owned by a company founded by Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law, James Chao.
fact cuckers insist he totally isnt involved in any of that stuff. he definitely doesnt know what goes on in the business, and doesnt benefit from the drugs they move. just like polosi certainly isnt using her connections to game the stock market. she's just a mystic.