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Pissed Hippo ('s status on Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 20:29:54 JST Pissed Hippo
it was really cool to read about two manga creators getting married - lainy, narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: and pistolero like this.
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dobó istván ('s status on Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 22:36:24 JST dobó istván
@sun Yoshihiro Togashi (Yu Yu Hakusho) and Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon) have been married for 26 years and have two kids.
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 22:38:44 JST pistolero
@istvan @sun
> Yoshihiro Togashi (Yu Yu Hakusho) and Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon) have been married for 26 years
Ha, wow. That's kinda cool.
> and have two kids.
Okay, finally! There *does* exist an explanation for this image.
trailer_moon.jpg -
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dobó istván ('s status on Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 22:41:12 JST dobó istván
@p @sun Always like reading about their life.
Naoko’s parents owned a jewelry store, which is why the first issue of Sailor Moon takes place in a jewelry store and all the bad guys are named for gemstones.
Yoshihiro grew up in his parents small business, which was a shop for paper, drawing utensils, and school supplies.
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 22:48:21 JST pistolero
@istvan @sun
> all the bad guys are named for gemstones.
This raises questions about her relationship with her parents' business. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:01:15 JST pistolero
@istvan @sun
> Based gemstone autist. I love her.
:bigbosssalute: -
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:01:16 JST dobó istván
@p @sun They all ended up being OK and just influenced by the evil of Queen Metalia (metals/findings suppliers).
And then Diamond and Sapphire were manipulated by Wiseman (merchant.jpg).
So the stones were always OK, they were just destroyed by the jewelry industry.
Based gemstone autist. I love her.
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:04:54 JST dobó istván
First arc is semiprecious stones beryl (aquamarine, heliodor), zoisite (tanzanite), nephrite, jadeite, and kunzite. These are in enough supply to go into mass production jewelry, which is why they were ruined by Metalia (silver/gold mass production).
Then in second arc the really big bad (Israel) you have controlling precious stones ruby, emerald, sapphire, and diamond. Ruby, emerald, and sapphire are killed off in favor of diamond, who “Wiseman” can control the most.
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:09:50 JST dobó istván
It’s not a fucking accident.
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:10:49 JST pistolero
@istvan @sun I appreciate your gemstone autism but I don't think I will watch or read a mahoushoujo thing. In conversation permalink -
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:18:52 JST dobó istván
My only regret is I’ve exposed the secret and now the ADL will label Sailor Moon a hate symbol.
Sorry, Naoko.
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radix023 ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:19:14 JST radix023
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:19:34 JST dobó istván
@radix023 @p @sun This is why the first USA dub run with DIC ended right after the fight with Rubeus.
Someone saw what was coming, made the connection, and screamed shut it down.
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:35:56 JST pistolero
@istvan @sun
> now the ADL will label Sailor Moon a hate symbol.
Disliking antifa is a hate speech:
Of course, they don't allow you to browse their site using Tor and all of their shit is webp.
The ADL is an organization that goes away when people stop paying attention to it. Journos cite the ADL and the SPLC because nobody laughs at them for citing it: as demonstrated over the course of the last three elections, and as should have been obvious from the beginning, journos don't mind being hated, they mind being ridiculed. If you forget about the ADL and the SPLC and the journos, they wither on the vine.
whoa_dude_antifa.pngIn conversation permalink Attachments
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:40:35 JST dobó istván
@p @sun > all of their shit is webp.
This may be their greatest crime.
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:42:04 JST pistolero
@istvan @sun WebP is a dogwhistle, I'm convinced. In conversation permalink -
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eemmaa ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:48:25 JST eemmaa
@p @istvan @sun it means they are using iOS and they haven’t set default file size to large or original In conversation permalink Attachments
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:48:32 JST w0rm
If you don't have a script to convert all webp frames and reassemble as either jpeg or gif... I bet you watch youtube ads. In conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:50:46 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @sun What I usually do is just not look at them or use imagemagick, but the only reason to *produce* WebP images is an active, burning hatred for humanity. In conversation permalink -
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:51:04 JST dobó istván
mitm all your HTTPS traffic to HTTP. No one needs SSLv3 to transfer a fucking ebook or video game FAQ.
Besides, the NSA has everything anyway.
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:53:34 JST pistolero
@istvan @dsm @sun
> No one needs SSLv3 to transfer a fucking ebook or video game FAQ.
ISPs complain about piracy activities last few years.
tetris_w_v1.0.gbIn conversation permalink Attachments
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:53:39 JST w0rm
for f in *.webp;do echo "$f";python3 -c "from PIL import Image;'$f').save('${f%.webp}.gif','gif',save_all=True,optimize=True,background=0)";doneIn conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:54:32 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @sun Oh, easier:
for i in *.webp; do convert "$i" "$(basename "$i" .webp).png"; doneIn conversation permalink -
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 00:58:06 JST w0rm
I'll be totally honest. 99% of my webps are porn gifs In conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:01:47 JST dobó istván
@p @dsm @sun Only over torrent.
And if you aren’t torrenting to a box in Hong Kong paid for in crypto and registered to the name and address of a dead child, what are you even doing?
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:01:56 JST pistolero
@istvan @dsm @sun Cockbox never asked for my name or address! In conversation permalink -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:14:50 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @sun Hey, buddy. Hey, buddy! In conversation permalink -
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:14:51 JST w0rm
What marrying a cunt that hates men does to a nigga. In conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:14:53 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @sun He's anti-porn. This all adds up. In conversation permalink -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:14:54 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @sun Likewise, but I have bad news: there is now some balormo thing that does webps now.
...But that's also 90% of the webm files on my disk.In conversation permalink -
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:14:54 JST w0rm
Peoria has been in freefall since Glussy got commit.
t. Posted via BoapSox.In conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:15:46 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @sun Iono, she's like four inches taller than him. Maybe he's little and she threatened him.
canyoubanthisidiot.pngIn conversation permalink Attachments
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:23:07 JST w0rm
He needs a self-defense suitcase. In conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:27:00 JST dobó istván
@p @dsm @sun Poor Gargamel having to deal with these requests all day. 😢
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Pete Zaitcev ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:40:44 JST Pete Zaitcev
@sun I hang out with shitposters... ahh of course in a good sense haha In conversation permalink Pissed Hippo likes this. -
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MK-ULTRA ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:49:15 JST MK-ULTRA
@p @dsm @istvan @sun doxxed
1741450165087962.jpgIn conversation permalink Attachments
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:52:00 JST pistolero
@DiamondMind @dsm @istvan @sun
error928.jpgIn conversation permalink Attachments
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:56:37 JST dobó istván
@p @dsm @DiamondMind @sun This is how they convince you to click on pop ups.
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 01:56:58 JST pistolero
@istvan @dsm @DiamondMind @sun
720x300.gifIn conversation permalink Attachments
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ins0mniak ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:01:31 JST ins0mniak
@p @dsm @DiamondMind @istvan @sun In conversation permalink Attachments
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:02:58 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @DiamondMind @dsm @istvan @sun
12_on_my_own.mp3In conversation permalink Attachments
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Rock DJ :catcrunk: :gigachad: :lmde: ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:03:05 JST Rock DJ :catcrunk: :gigachad: :lmde:
@p @dsm @DiamondMind @istvan @sun In conversation permalink Attachments
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:03:11 JST w0rm
Would. In conversation permalink Attachments
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:06:59 JST pistolero
@dsm @istvan @DiamondMind @sun I barely
nwa--fuck_the_police.mp3In conversation permalink Attachments
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dobó istván ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:07:05 JST dobó istván
@p @dsm @DiamondMind @sun hellomypervertedfriend.eml
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:07:17 JST pistolero
@istvan @dsm @DiamondMind @sun
maricio_anonymous.pngIn conversation permalink Attachments
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:09:49 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @DiamondMind @dsm @istvan @sun
02--rise.mp3In conversation permalink Attachments
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ins0mniak ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:09:50 JST ins0mniak
@p @dsm @DiamondMind @istvan @sun In conversation permalink Attachments
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:11:13 JST w0rm
Barely exist here anymore? In conversation permalink pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:12:08 JST pistolero
@dsm @DiamondMind @istvan @sun I probably exist!
tetos_dimitriadis--misirlou--1927.mp3In conversation permalink Attachments
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ins0mniak ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:28:38 JST ins0mniak
@p @dsm @DiamondMind @istvan @sun In conversation permalink Attachments
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:28:57 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @DiamondMind @dsm @istvan @sun
ytcracker--plead_the_fifth.mp3In conversation permalink Attachments
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w0rm ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:29:41 JST w0rm
Imagine. In conversation permalink Attachments
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 02:30:02 JST pistolero
@dsm @DiamondMind @istvan @sun
meisce--sean_reilly.oggIn conversation permalink Attachments
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:gnu:+bonifartius 𒂼𒄄 ('s status on Sunday, 09-Mar-2025 06:35:49 JST :gnu:+bonifartius 𒂼𒄄
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