And the allegation that Peggie’s employer NHS Fife had failed to meet its legal obligations to carry out an equality impact assessment on its decision to open up female changing rooms to Dr Upton has exposed the nature of the collusion between public bodies and trans activists. Mediocre public servants have eagerly traded women’s hard-won protections in the workplace, and elsewhere, for praise from state-funded equalities charities. Schools have led young people into believing that they can change their sex as easily as picking out a new t-shirt. Men masquerading as women, including ones guilty of severe violence, have been placed in female prisons — and senior politicians, perhaps most notably Nicola Sturgeon, former First Minister of Scotland, have stubbornly refused to acknowledge the harm their support for self-ID has done to individual women and young people, as well as the damage to women’s rights and trust in public servants and the political process.
But could this shameful coalition be coming to its overdue end?
@HebrideanHecate@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain That we need an *equality impact assessment* to know if it's ok to let men in women's single-sex spaces tells us all we need to know about the calibre of the management class.