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It is kinda sus. My theory is that the surviving "templars" got pissed after the whole King Philip deal in France, and spent several centuries preparing to overthrow monarchies. Their first try was in England, which kinda failed. The attempt to create a republic failed, but they eventually took the crown.
The US and France. King George threw the Revolutionary War. It was understood that he would not win.
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The other theory is that they went to Portugal and Scotland. Regardless, over time they spread out again and decided that republicanism was far safer than attempting to control monarchs that could go rogue.
If I recall Philip had previously deposed a pope, which is why the papacy didn't do shit when he arrested and executed masons.
Often missed is that at that same time, Philip also exiled the jews, assumed the debts owed to them, and forgave all interest.
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@Humpleupagus @Bear_market @ACL9000 @WashedOutGundamPilot i thought that they all holed up in switzerland. reason the swiss guard still responsible for vatican military. prolly why its also the leat jewed out of all of europe.
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@Humpleupagus @Bear_market @ACL9000 @WashedOutGundamPilot they were attacked by spain, france, britain.
no doubt.
switzerland is a land surrounded by mountains. they picked a good spot to defend.
the peeps they sent out to negotiate got slaughtered.
france owed them so much cash they basically decided to kill them as anti church.
a shame the COE didnt do the same to the rothschilds.
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I actually believe they are blasphemers. Some think that they were really Sephardic Jews that knew where the treasurers hidden during the sacking of the second temple were hidden. There is also some evidence that they were knowledge about kaballah type teachings. Someone carved a proto tree-of-life into the prison walls for example.
Fun Fact: The templars forced k
KIng John to sign the magna carta under threat of "regicide".
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@Humpleupagus @Bear_market @ACL9000 @WashedOutGundamPilot they had def picked up some jewish tendencies during their time in jerusalem. i read stories about how they transferred wealth for pilgrimages. basically the traveller would give them all their cash in europe in safe spot travel to jerusalem and then theyd give them the voucher to gwt their cash back so they avoided being robbed on the trip. living around jews and muttslims they obviously understood how road bandits operated.