@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Reminds me of when I was teacher training. I used to read Critical Quarterly and bring interesting articles about children's literature to seminars and tutorials. Implicit in many of these was the idea that all authors intended capitalist messaging to enslave the proles and that people are too stupid to understand stories as any form of allegory without the help of academic deconstruction.
@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain@KeepTakingTheSoma I was, even if I say so myself, good at English in school, but I could not be arsed with it, I just wanted to be left alone to read, history was my big thing, although one can find just as much shit there re deranged academics, and it is much worse now.
@KeepTakingTheSoma I did A level lit and hated that we had to dissect bloody everything. Call me shallow, but sometimes I really couldn't give a crap about things having some deeper, political or social meaning - I want fiction to entertain. Now I'm doing a creative writing degree and it's 1000x worse 🤦♀️
@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain If a novel is well-written, then it's value can be all-encompassing. I have no problem with anyone dissecting stuff, providing it can be well-argued. We can agree to disagree and there's room for all. It's quite interesting watching some Youtubers do this with films. My beef is with piss-poor content (films, TV, novels, plays etc) that are all message and no quality. Again, not everything has to be deep and there's a place for disposable froth as pure entertainment and high-quality art that's just entertainment too. My daughter did creative writing at University and I think she'd be inclined to agree with you.
@KeepTakingTheSoma@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain Himself's degree is English and he said some of the crap in uni had to be heard to be believed, pure drivel, that was the late 80s to early 90s. Cambridge wanted him to do post grad but he couldn't get the course he really wanted so after a short stint there he decided it wasn't for him, said he was glad afterwards.
If my lot do accidently order something using a linked account, I usually get a password request or a notice of purchase/order that allows me to cancel. Some people deserve to be parted from their money, they really do.
@Lady_Penelope@HebrideanHecate@KeepTakingTheSoma My sister let my nephew use her card once to buy some games extras. She didn't realise my nephew had saved the details until all of her bill payments bounced.