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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:00:41 JST meso
@VIPPER i dont get the personal antagonization of Zelensky, he dindu nuffin. Ukraine's foreign policy was Ukraine's foreign policy, purely to coddle up to the West. wasn't his specific politics of going against Russia it was just what anyone that isn't Yanukovich would've done. his antagonization is very performative but I feel it comes from a place of back when things were right like you could say Oh yeah that Saddam Hussein guy fuck that guy cuz they were leaders and everything -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:00:40 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER he also could have coddled up to russia and would have been in a far better position than he is right now -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:01:11 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER instead of being humiliated by a cheetos-amerimutt golem hybrid :trumpcumdrool: -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:03:20 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER other than that, it's extremely fucking annoying seeing outright biorobotic flesh automatons simping for him from day 1, it's annoying to be vilified because i was born in one of the few good countries in the world, so laughing at him is fair game -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:03:21 JST meso
@lina @VIPPER yeah. at least russia's consistent -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:16:22 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER he's the one who pitched the mineral deal he wanted to sell his country to usa but shat himself completely in the white house -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:16:28 JST meso
@VIPPER at least he didn't become an ultimate cuck by signing the mineral deal lmfao it'd be comical -
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VIPPER ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:16:29 JST VIPPER
@meso He was there to sign the mineral deal, instead he started yapping about something else and acting disrespectful while in America's home turf and made Drumpf mad, people aren't really hating on him, they're just making fun of him for being a retard -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:16:54 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso aw shit here comes adachi with his ironyniggering -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:16:55 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Ah yes, like Belarus, very good country saar -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:19:21 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso nigga every time you reply to a politically adjacent thread it's all just contrarian ironyniggering go register an account on lab nyanide and pester poasties instead you won't get called out for ironyniggering if you do that -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:19:26 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
I'm not 'irony niggering' there's nothing worse than being a citizen of a Russian puppet state. How are the citizens of Chechnya doing? Or of Syria? -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:19:41 JST Lina Inver?e
@griffith @VIPPER @meso @yomiel fell for it again award -
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Griffith ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:19:42 JST Griffith
@yomiel @lina @meso @VIPPER Chechnya’s unironically doing better than Ukraine.
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:20:37 JST Lina Inver?e
@VIPPER @meso @yomiel thats why he should register on lab nyanide and give it the award too -
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VIPPER ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:20:38 JST VIPPER
@lina @meso @yomiel he would pester poasties but we got a "defederated by poast" award -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:22:53 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i never called you retarded, only an ironynigger -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:22:54 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
I'm not being ironic in the slightest
you ACTUALLY believe being a russia puppet state would be better for Ukraine and you have the gall to say i'm being retarded -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:25:09 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso lol then we have nothing to talk about -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:25:10 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
I like nyanide, I don't want them to lose access to the amazing posts made on -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:29:25 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER @yomiel idk why you're even trying to argue with him he's clearly just trolling you -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:29:26 JST meso
@VIPPER @lina @yomiel syria just got out of a 200way civil war -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:29:27 JST meso
@yomiel @VIPPER @lina also chechnya is just muslim thats why it sucks there its not niggerhell they have like lots of russia money -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:29:31 JST meso
@yomiel @VIPPER @lina false nvke, belarus is doing fine. look at bulgaria, this is what happens when you align with the west blindly and get stealth regime changed -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:29:32 JST Yomiel
@meso @VIPPER @lina
By what metric? Every country under russian puppet rule is/was niggerhell
-chechnya, niggerhell
-syria, niggerhell
-belarus, kind of niggerhell -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:29:33 JST meso
@yomiel @lina @VIPPER it would be better for ukraine tho, america is utterly unreliable and like ukraine wont lose their national identity or anything thats not what the wars about -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:30:18 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER @yomiel he's doing this right now -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:30:19 JST meso
@lina @VIPPER @yomiel he transhearts neoliberals but he'd Never ever ever ever troll me -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:33:11 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i don't know how to troll ironyniggers cuz they have zero self worth or dignity you can slander their entire bloodline and cover them in so much dirt they'd be indistinguishable from a pig and they'd still just say "lol ur butthurt" so you're clearly wrong in me saying that i'm trolling you -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:33:12 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Ironically it seems you're trolling me by saying everything i say is ironic. Chechyna is ruled by a fat fuck warlord, syria was ruled by hereditary dictatorship in constant war, belarus honestly i dont know much about but probably sucks.
Meanwhile it's you who has no sincere opinions. the only thing you've said is 'he should've been friends with putin', like, why? -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:33:36 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso >says transheart
see, ironyniggering -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:33:37 JST Yomiel
@meso @lina @VIPPER
I don't transheart neoliberals you fucking retard, neoliberal is like, reagan and thatcher
I transheart old style liberals/social democracy like clement attlee or FDR or something -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:34:37 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso because i haven't bothered to cover you in dirt because i know that you're just trolling -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:34:38 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Yet I haven't done that. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:35:04 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i got blocked by a faggot -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:36:03 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso transheart is ironyniggering cuz nobody normal would transheart anything, unless you're a tranny which would explain everything tbh -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:36:04 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Transheart just means "like", retard. that's not what 'irony' means. Irony is inappropriate anyway, you mean sarcasm. and I wasn't being sarcastic either. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:36:50 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso the trolling is your entire post history in political threads you just post ironynigger contrarian shit and then get upset when you get called out on it because it means that you didn't bait anyone into arguing with you -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:36:51 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Point to the 'trolling' then. I just said Ukraine wouldn't have been better to cozy up to russia. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:38:15 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER @yomiel i don't see a single speck of honesty or sincerity in his posts, soy wo jack fans are known for being dishonest ironyniggers that's why the soy wo jack booru turned into a warzone for post-irony afflicted ironyniggers to fight over countries they've never even heard of until a couple years ago -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:38:16 JST meso
@lina @VIPPER @yomiel even doe hes honest in most of his arguments -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:38:58 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
You can tell pretty well when I'm being sincere because I make a point, and if I'm making an absurd point then that's called 'a joke'. Maybe those don't get told much in Russia. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:38:58 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i have never seen you being sincere, your entire fedi existence has been just ironyniggering for attention -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:40:27 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso not a single normal person would hate russia unless they're a jewish golem told to hate russia because of fake concepts nobody cares about like GDP or some other shit, which is when at that point he's not even a human being tbh, a normal person could do that ironically but idk where's the merit in trying to troll normal people -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:40:28 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
What's the dishonesty in my posts then? You should be able to do it, Ivan, since you're so quick to point it out. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:44:55 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords, i suggest you talk to me when you get actual interests and hobbies and views cuz trolling normal people online is genuinely troon behavior you might as well argue for trans rights and trans youth and map rights while you're at it because that's the best way to troll normal people -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:44:59 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Russia is an oligarchy. It's ran by a bunch of rich, fat idiots who got lucky and now basically run the country. There is no democracy. Why would anyone want that? Any profits are not shared with the people. It misappropriates the images of communist leaders past.
Ironically, for all your banging on about sincerity and irony, Russia is extremely dishonest and insincere. It's justifications for the Ukraine war have been weaselly and dishonest. I don't even know how you could defend Putin when he's sending his own men to die for no reason at all. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:46:10 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER @yomiel he won't, i think because he'll have uncurable enmity for me because i have a very bad habit of being very blunt and direct towards people that annoy me because it drives them off -
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meso ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:46:11 JST meso
@lina @VIPPER @yomiel he'll start developing a natural hatred for hohols eventually, impairing his judgment and driving him to be more and more pro-russia. like me. there's just a hatred for hohols thats been brewing in me for no reason i just hate em i think their country is fine and all but i just dont like em thats all -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:46:53 JST Lina Inver?e
@meso @VIPPER @yomiel and since i'm the only russian person he has ever seen online and spoken to he'll also have an imperishable hatred for russia from now on and will simp for ukraine out of spite -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:51:07 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso why would i debate someone who just goes out and posts contrarian takes for (You)'s? why would i debate anyone at that matter? online debates aren't fun -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:51:08 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Every argument online ends with this. You accuse me of buzzwords, yet your post is nothing but.
I engage every argument online with sincerity and wishing to actually debate yet you make no effort to. You didn't even pretend for one second to try discussion.
It's all so tiresome. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:54:51 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i'm describing what i've seen you post and reply with to me for as long as i've seen you on fedi -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:54:52 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
You're just making shit up about me. I'm not being contrarian in the slightest. You're literally just throwing random insults to me like 'irony' and 'contrarianism' when I'm not even doing those things. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:58:55 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i believe my observations more than i believe your words, you haven't ever come off as sincere to me, maybe if i knew you in like 2016 when ironyniggering and haha le funny post irony shit was actually entertaining and fresh to me, we'd be good friends but you're too late with that -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 07:58:56 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
I don't even know how to respond to your post. And? I made a point and I'm being sincere. That's enough. -
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Lina Inver?e ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 08:01:53 JST Lina Inver?e
@yomiel @VIPPER @meso i don't care what you believe in -
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Yomiel ('s status on Sunday, 02-Mar-2025 08:01:54 JST Yomiel
@lina @VIPPER @meso
Whatever. I know what I believe, faggot.
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