you aren't having to log into servers to poke 12 year old IBM services and restart Tomcat or having to submit tickets to clean up out of capacity drives that have killed production servers because a rent-a-pajeet or boomer set the log levels to trace a month ago and somehow burned through several terrabytes of storage with timestamps
and also the extreme need for Excel and Word and obscur programs from long dead companies to keep the checks flowing and the invoices getting mailed out
It's almost like there was an OS that wasn't GNU/Linux :transheart: that predated Windows, y'know in this halcyonic heyday of White America, that dominated the corporate landscape. Before antitrust from the Bill and Melinda rape children foundation banned smoking at the bar. Never question me, marine. You answer to me, I answer to God.
The humorous, but not so funny, part is watching "developers" reinvent the wheel.
I was in the middle of a mediation, and logged into the MLS to see whether certain documents were attached to the original listing. There was a link to a service to get the documents. I needed an account. There's like 2000 of these types of services. It's a fucking file. Why the fuck do I need anything other than ftp or sftp? 😒
The humorous, but not so funny, part is watching "developers" reinvent the wheel.
it is legitimately faster to write some small programs from scratch than try to figure out how the old ones worked and are configured, sometimes doubly so for big programs