Hitler only invaded Poland because Germans in the territories that were annexed post WW1 were being slaughtered by the tens of thousands. These were civilians, women, children, entire families. Hitler tried diplomacy many times, and then finally decided he would no longer stand idly by.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@zeke@Yukari_Kajiwara@Marakus From my POV as a Pole, they are bad guys, because they invaded my country (and no, there were no "protecting German civilians" justification) in alliance with Soviets, they enslaved my nation and wanted to destroy it, whey were murdering Poles, starting with elites, but plenty of simple people too, they destroyed cities, they stole our tresures etc. Of course it is my POV as a Pole. If You agree with the German propaganda that Poles were subhumans and should be enslaved/destroyed, than from Your POV they were not bad. But this is Your POV, not mine.
@zeke@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@Yukari_Kajiwara@Marakus You are not speaking "truth which is hard to determine". You are spreading obvious lies. You give as a proof that "Germans attacked because Poles were murdering Germans", an article which 1. talks only in generalities, and the only specific thing pointed is so called "Bloody Sunday", which happened AFTER German invasion, so obviously can not be cause of this invasion - this is not "hard to determine", this is basic logic. 2. pretends that Poles were killing German civilians with NKVD Jews, when in fact in 1939 Germans and Soviets were close allies and they attacked Poland in cooperation. "Lots of propaganda on both sides" There is unquestionable fact that Germans invaded Poland and there is baseless propaganda pretending that this invasion was caused by persecution of German civilians. Which You himself proved - if only "proof" of this persecution is obviously lying article, it means that thesis is bullshit. "I definitely don't think that the Germans were the "bad guys" though" So You are definitely wrong. They were extremely bad guys, together with Soviets.
Exactly. Lots of propaganda on both sides, as with any conflict, and we've all been lied to in the history books. Truth is difficult to determine. I definitely don't think that the Germans were the "bad guys" though.
@zeke@Yukari_Kajiwara@Marakus@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Oh, thanks for publishing this example of retarded German propaganda. Of course it doesn't mention that so called (by German propaganda) "Bloody Sunday" occured AFTER the Germans invaded Poland (3 September 1939) and it started when German citizens of Poland attacked local Polish garrison. And yeah, there were thousand of victims in Bydgoszcz (that's how "Bromberg" actually was named) - thousands of Poles. And about 300 Germans. Also it is crazy that this article suggest that in Poland "NKVD Jews" who supported Poles against Germans, were killing Germans... In 1939 Germans and Soviets were allies. And they invaded Poland in copperation.