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strong "don't throw me in that briar patch" energy
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@Squadalah_Man @EvilSandmich @WTFPurpleAlpaca I don't think young guys from Europe want to have the same career prospects as the Ukrainian guys (death or dismemberment)
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @sickburnbro I think some of those euro guys believe their own press releases.
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@EvilSandmich @WTFPurpleAlpaca @sickburnbro Could backfire though. If they really believe their own hype hard enough to directly pick a fight with Russia, one of the countries we have actual treaties with will eventually start getting curbstomped and drag us in proper.
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@sickburnbro The delusions are real, someone help Eurozog.
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @Squadalah_Man @sickburnbro > why are you Euros involved in that?
Their intel is pretty awful if they thought that betting big on the last administration was a safe gamble. I mean, these people were on the stage when Biden crapped himself, it's on them for pretending that kind of rule is sustainable.
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@EvilSandmich @WTFPurpleAlpaca @Squadalah_Man this is why I believe the "2020 was stolen" meme - because it makes all this make sense - "they 'fortified' democracy in 2020, of course they will 'win' in 2024"
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@Squadalah_Man @EvilSandmich @sickburnbro Nobody said Globozog was all wise and all-knowing.
For a start they probably thought they'd genuinely upend Russia with the whole Ukraine op. Or at least fight Russia to a standstill. Which would have given them an opportunity to wriggle in and do a February~October style Revolution thing perhaps.
Smarter more analytical people had warned in the broad that this was not likely to be the case, still, ZOG went all in. They must have huffed too much of their own supply and genuinely believed that the post-war "Pax Judaica-by-proxy" was going to be a perennial thing.
Whatever the purpose of the Ukraine op (upending Russia, sabotaging Europe, both, more things), at some point it seems ZOG-Prime decided the op was over, and with Trump brought to heel, and resistance to his reelection largely pacified by command from the top, it looks very bipolar outside of America, geopolitically, the "sudden" change of heart.
We (America, the West in general) have been all but all-in on Ukraine for "our democracy" and all that nonsense. Suddenly with Trump's admin in, now it's "what war? That sound s silly, why are you Euros involved in that?". It's verging on gaslighting, but most of Eurozog aren't as in tune with the political climate here as we may assume. They're busy trying to get their populations to stop resisting infinity-niggers, and HR roasties crashing their economies into the Alps or whatever.
Anyway, long story short, they're sort of winging it a little at this point. It does raise an eyebrow about whether ZOG-Prime (formerly known as Washington DC) is starting to lose its grip over the more distant but nominally slaved cattle, but yeah.
That's my half-baked guess anyway. :pepeRetarded:
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@sickburnbro @EvilSandmich @Squadalah_Man I mean it's hardly a meme, all but signed confessions exist.