The same people who lord their supposed superior intellect over the rural chuds now push for WWIII with Russia, shill relentlessly for big pharma and vehemently claim men can get pregnant. All stuff they were programmed to believe pretty much on a dime.
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@DW2 it goes deeper than that, just a bunch biological garbage consuming and shitting out even more worthless garbage who propagate the system while they all scream about the strawman of the day
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@dictatordave@DW2 Lets be honest America doesn't need to give a shit whether Iran has the spicy tangy inter-continental boomboom sticks, because we have our own and this creates a nice gentlemanly atmosphere of agreement called MAD, which has done more for world peace than all the pilpul ever did.
The only reason Iran having nukes being a problem is because Israel will have less free reign to be total fucking cunts to everyone within range of them, or they might even get their ambiguous nuclear program's bluff called. I wouldn't be surprised after all if it turns out Jewish genius failed to make a reliable, viable nuclear deterrent in their little sliver of desert down there, despite having one of our presidents assassinated over it.