@breadcat@scathach@arcana@sun right, performative fake progressives are a problem. i just mean the response to it coloquially referred to as being anti woke is reactionary trash.
@icedquinn@arcana@breadcat@scathach anti-woke are just grifters, 100% of them as far as I can tell, even if any particular thing they are talking about are true (sometimes they are not true)
@sun@arcana@breadcat@scathach people don't appreciate that the way controllers work is by focus testing issues for maximum impact. they do multi-arm tests to see which ones get the most responses and then push millions of dollars in to those narratives.
reactionaries then respond by attacking the entire community being unwantedly magnified for effect.
i read the actual yale studies where they planned covid narratives
@sun@arcana@breadcat@scathach its basically people making themselves feel good playing whackamole but other people are the moles and nobody asks who built the machine.
@sun@arcana@breadcat@scathach there's other stuff like the rockefeller foundation paper that had "lockstep" in it. the think tanks just sit and invent scenarios and do wargaming all the time.
their simulations also include a non-trivial chance that they lose the control grid and get executed.
@arcana@breadcat@scathach@sun this is why it literally doesn't matter. they just test for whatever it is you will hatepost and push it. there is an infinite supply of these things.
stoicism is essentially correct: a focus on correct behavior instead.