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@arcana @icedquinn @mia I have no idea, I don't know jack about cars and I never even bothered getting my driver's permit
I have to take shitty ass courses now, as required by law, and I want to go even less
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@coolboymew @arcana @mia buy a good steering wheel controller and play euro truck sim for a while. get all your crashing out of the way. it helps.
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@kerosene @icedquinn @arcana @mia I remember getting mad as fuck at a particular class in my degree. It was extremely frustrating and the class was lazy as fuck. 80% of it was filling exercises to do on stuff we haven't properly been taught anything useful and let loose on. Sure, it taught you to just manage by yourself, but the remaining 20% was the teacher droning on for 2 hours on useless powerpoints. The HISTORY of active directory? Who gives a shit, show me how to do anything useful with it
Anything useful in the powerpoints were, well, on the powerpoints. I would not listen to the class then take 10 mins to check the PPs. BANG, 2 hours lost pointlessly
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@coolboymew @icedquinn @arcana @mia It's genuinely not you, it's just that no sane human being would realistically put up with any of that shit if it wasn't for the 0.000001% chance of finding a job with the degree they're reaching for. I'm a teacher myself and I can't fucking stand taking classes of any kind.
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@icedquinn @arcana @mia I'm pretty sure I'd do good enough, but the real problem is the actual classes. I can't take classes anymore, my ADHD won't allow it. College sucked out the last bit of attention I had for schooling of any kind
I legitimately cannot go attend any sort of classes anymore, I'd rather fucking die than hear someone boring rambles on boringly about something I could read in 10 mins top for 2 fucking hours