The U.S. Forest Service fired thousands of workers in the past week, including firefighters, biologists, and disaster recovery experts. Many were directly involved in western North Carolina recovery efforts after Helene.
"People that live in North Carolina are either lying or bots if they had a problem with the FEMA response! (People that live in New Orleans had legitimate concerns about the FEMA response.)"
> Trump bashed FEMA and the recovery,
"People that had a problem with the FEMA response were Trump supporters!"
> Chaos and confusion sewn while a local emergency is going on, specifically designed to undermine trust in local authorities who are providing safety tips and guidance, is trying to kill the people who need safety tips and guidance.
You'll have to be more specific, but that still sounds like an exaggeration to me.
> we have 7 local tv news stations,
The media is worse than the local government in LA. You don't remember the Univision reporter fucking the mayor and both of them lying about it? I remember Villaraigosa.
@p It's not partisan. It's an old saying tho, D's fall in love, R's fall in line.
Trump bashed FEMA and the recovery, and the Rs followed suit.
As for the "extreme exaggeration" -- hardly.
Chaos and confusion sewn while a local emergency is going on, specifically designed to undermine trust in local authorities who are providing safety tips and guidance, is trying to kill the people who need safety tips and guidance.
The reason he wasn't successful in sowing chaos and confusion about instructions the authorities were giving is that LA is the largest media market in the world, we have 7 local tv news stations, and not only did all of them provide 24 hour coverage and information, other media outlets came to LA and provided their services to those 7 stations.
> Yer, get back to me when you're trying to figure out whether you need to evacuate because you can see fires burning less than a mile away.
You know that I am from goddamn Los Angeles, do you not?
> And Villaigrossa fucking someone not his wife has jack to do shit with anything whatsoever.
If it's a fucking reporter that is fucking reporting on him and they both don't just fucking fail to disclose but lie to the fucking public, it fucking does.
> RFK Jr fucked a NYTimes reporter, he got a cabinet position and the NYTimes fired her.
Not a fan of him, either, but the CIA runs the NYT, so no huge surprise.
@p Yer, get back to me when you're trying to figure out whether you need to evacuate because you can see fires burning less than a mile away.
ItS tHe mEDiA'S fAuLt.
And Villaigrossa fucking someone not his wife has jack to do shit with anything whatsoever. RFK Jr fucked a NYTimes reporter, he got a cabinet position and the NYTimes fired her.
> You've destroyed any hope of credibility you could have hoped to have with that last sentence.
I'm definitely lying about being born in and spending most of my life in Los Angeles. I definitely didn't take these photos of the wildfires myself, from my car, a few years back when the 101 was burning. will not publish anything that embarrasses the Kremlin, the NY Times will not publish anything that embarrasses the CIA. You don't remember "Zero Dark Thirty"? You don't remember anything inconvenient. pyrocumulus1.JPG pyrocumulus2.JPG
@LostInCalifornia@p If you say so. I live in Honolulu and FEMA turned away boats bringing in survival supplies because only approved FEMA contractors are allowed too bring in survival gear. Then there’s the hundreds of missing children.
@Humpleupagus@LostInCalifornia You know, on the topic, is kind of astonishing the extent to which people watching the news will tell you that you are wrong about shit you can see out your front door. I kept hearing that LA was an apocalyptic hellscape and I looked out and didn't see it and mentioned this and all the Steve Bannon viewers told me I must be lying, and now this chick is telling me the same shit from the opposite side.
@Humpleupagus@LostInCalifornia I don't think people were reading Elon's mean tweets instead of paying attention to evacuation orders, but it was just rich people's houses that burned down, like every time.
I've actually been through two fires. One was in an apartment complex I was living in. It got to the units across the hall from my apartment. The fire department cut a hole in the roof and sprayed down that unit. I missed losing all of my shit by feet.
And the LNU fire came right up to the back of my fence. I lived in my office for a week until the power came back on.
@Humpleupagus@LostInCalifornia@p I am going to start the brush burn piles at 8am are you fucking niggers bringing whisky or what? Shasta county Northern California 🤔 food for twenty🤔 almost free beer🤔 not an mudskin in miles🤔 sit and eat drink, make sure the fire doesn't die🤔 wife making chicken something🤔 hump I am not mad, just disappointed if you don't show😐 acres and a dream😀
@nicholas@LostInCalifornia It was actually Good and Safe that the mayor shut down all of the family restaurants and let the movie studio catering businesses and the country clubs and the cafes at wineries continue to operate.
@p@Humpleupagus@LostInCalifornia I have no regrets, burn piles today and fish for trout tomorrow. Then it is Monday and dealing with customers and employees FUCK!!!!
My great grandfather lost a foot on a tractor like that. He hit a power pole with a pipe he was moving. He literally had a wooden foot in a boot. He'd put a couple socks over his stump and work the orchard, even when I was a kid. He was old then too. He made great chorizo though.
@LostInCalifornia Stick to the No-Go Zone, transplant, so that you don't trouble any real people with your "ELON'S MEAN TWEETS WERE GONNA GET US ALL KILLED" nonsense. los_angeles_annotated.png
@LostInCalifornia@pwm Keep saying that kind of thing, it gives the impression that your confidence in your views is unassailable rather than that you don't know what you're talking about and retreating into Twitter-style bitchy smugness.
@LostInCalifornia@p You're reading too much into it. I don't like youtubers, so anywhere they congregate I also do not like. Wherever that is or is not is irrelevant.
It's just so jarring from spinsters, you know? Like, they saw how the corporate press, big business, academia, and cultural institutions work in lock-step to push a narrative and call any dissenting voices bigots and nazis -on one issue. And then they turn around and play the same game with every other topic. I thought that first red pill was supposed to break the whole paradigm, but some of them manage to compartmentalize it pretty well.
> It's just so jarring from spinsters, you know? Like, they saw how the corporate press, big business, academia, and cultural institutions work in lock-step to push a narrative and call any dissenting voices bigots and nazis -on one issue.
Yeah, I used to get surprised by that. I saw them do the witch-hunt with the guy that runs and then I saw him turn around and participate in another pitchfork mob and this shit no longer surprises me.
That is a very good point, though.
> And then they turn around and play the same game with every other topic.
> Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them. > In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know. > That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I'd point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all. But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. When, in fact, it almost certainly isn't. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia.