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*more smater
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It's painful when people who are supposed to be more smart than me are brownoids, so I instantly know that's not true...
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Here in Texas, I mostly see niggers and spics in any government office.
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Could have been. Maybe was. I thought about it, but then I thought about this: have you noticed that these days whenever you go to any government office - DMV or whatever - it's usually niggers working there? Law Enforcement too increasingly. They've got their resources.
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I'm in a red part of Ohio so it's mostly White people I see here. The BMV up the street is all White women and men working there.
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I know what you mean. I got into it with some retarded Shaniqua online a couple of years ago. I don't know how she did it, but she posted my street address and said that "Me and my crew comin' after yo' Krakkka ass."
I slept with my Glock and my shotgun loaded and within arm's reach from that day forward. I don't normally fear dip shit niggers, but some of them are crazy enough, and they've become incredibly emboldened in the last 5 years or so. I won't be caught sleeping on them.
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You sure it wasn't a fed faggot larping as a sheboon?
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I believe you. Me too. I'm pretty sure I'm on the "Shoot On Sight" list for when SHTF.
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People wonder why I worry. If not the glowies coming after me, I expect some shitty Antifa faggot giving out my doxx to BLM or La Raza to come kill a Nazi.
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I fought the online fight for a decade. Glowies have enough data on me to make an arrest at whim. The needle hasn't moved.
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I did this for 10 years on Gab and Twitter. Now you know why I'm just about the laughs and occasional comment to known frens.
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Gab is a ghost town, and Twitter is a cringe fest. All I've got is you NCD smart asses.
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This type of shit is another reason I think I'm terminally doom pilled, some people never will learn...