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I KNEW IT! This is why.
- ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: and pistolero like this.
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Buying stocks on manufacturers of cat food and box wine is a good investment for the coming future. Secure your portfolio!
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@charlie_root hope she likes cats
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This is what happens when a chick tries to find a guy with a job, house, etc. rather than finding one with nothing and making a life with him.
My wife and I didn't have shit when we met. We made our life together. Such pairing facilitates a level of bonding and trust that wine aunts will never understand.
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I feel for you. I got lucky. We met fairly young and stuck it out. My own opinion is that if a woman is single in her 30s, she's defective. It's not hard for women to get men, and thus, there's something wrong if she's not with one by then — she doesn't know how to mate.
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Since I turned 30 I've found this to be true. Women over 30 have insane standards that guys (or me at least with a relatively new business and not a ton of stability) just can't meet. And younger girls at least don't have all their shit figured out either.
Honestly, I'm probably never going to date a "successful woman" again. I've dated a few that made really, really good money and I just don't think I can deal with a 30 year old woman who makes 6 figures again. They get all mom-like and try to do everything for you. Super annoying.
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What's worst is they ramped up the shaming language online to now retards online literally call you a pedo or creep for preferring to date college aged women. It's super annoying, and even more they are digging up celebs in the past that dated any girl 17+ (which was legal in most states) as creeps and perverts when it was super socially acceptable back then. I don't want to date any woman under 20 yrs old but I don't care that some rock singer in the 70s married a 16 year old, this moralfag hand ringing, pearl clutching fainting into the couch shit needs to stop.
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I prefer my 40 something mexican dommy mommy. I mean... the food.
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Ngl... I couldn't do it. I wouldn't trust a woman who's been with 50 dudes. That's a wanderer.
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Yeah but you guys have long had a relationship. Imagine if it was new and she had 50 dudes before you...
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Like I said.... single women at that age are defective. My view of men in the same group is different. Good nen do not have as easy a time finding mates due to the very women who end up in that group.
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Welcome to the dating market in your late 30s/early 40s, they are all this basically. And if you pursue younger women will be labelled a creep and a pedo, massive shaming language will be hurled at you for not wifing the roastie.
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My only regret, is that I never reminded her
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I mean honestly yea. The last girl I dated made a shit load of money, and wanted me to give up my business, pay all my bills, and carry me around in her suitcase while she traveled because her career made so much money.
BUT on the same token, she resented me because her friends (also 30s single women) would get guys who would buy them trips???
Like okay you want trips I have to work?
But then you're not here with me, I'll buy the trips?
Uh because you said you didn't want me to?
An actual conversation.
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Fax. I actually met a very polite African American lady from Louisiana. She ended up marrying a man who became an officer. She told me that her mom literally told her "stay away from that Doctor King and go with that man (her future husband). Doctor King is no good. The good life is with him (again the future husband)."
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"If you want to be an admiral's wife marry a lieutenant."
Picking a talented young man and building a life together will land a woman in a position that she'd have to desperately and rather hopelessly compete for otherwise.
Women had much better lives when they listened to their grandmothers' advice and not to feminist college "professors".
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Women are hard-wired to want a man who's better off than them because their monkey brainstem thinks that if they don't find a provider they will starve to death in the freezing cold. So as they become more wealthy/accredited due to DEIslop handouts their dating pool gradually shrinks until they can't be satisfied with anything less than a multimillionaire (who also has to be ripped with a beer can dick, of course).
Then they find out too late that the few guys who fit that criteria actually have options and want nothing to do with a drycunt with more baggage than a bellhop at the Marriot and a body count higher than Pol Pot.
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Plus, all the jew propaganda that says "You magically just meet Mr. Right. See... just like in this 90 movie film...." Doesn't help.