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Why doesn't God make him not the Pope
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@sun Protestants keep out of this, this is a catholic issue
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@lain fair actually
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@sun @lain What do you mean my Independent Baptist Fellowship of Appalachia America interpretation of dogma is wrong?
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@hfaust @lain only 144,000 people are going to heaven so the biggest church is almost certainly wrong.
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Just sharing bros, I was thinking of this when doing the dishes last night:
"why doesn't God just kill all these wicked people right away?"
Same reason why David didn't want his son Absalom to die, and same reason after he was dead, there was mourning on behalf of his father, but everyone knew that he deserved it. God is long-suffering with us like David was with his wicked son.
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@sun God often attempts to humble men of power.
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@Azur_Fenix @sun kiss what
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@lain @sun I'd like to but your "pope" keeps trying to stick is big long nose in other people's business. So kiss it.
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@sun My parents are big Catholics, I used to be but left Catholicism in part because of the abuse scandal and Pope Francis' wokeism. I argue that Francis' papacy proves that the Catholic Church and its teaching has no special inspiration from the Holy Spirit. My parents come up with so many ways to rationalize that the Catholic Church can still be "God's church" while having a Pope that is actively destroying it with the woke ideology.