Going by the adverts foisted on me, my scraped digital identity is some kind of wishful thinking or AI doppelganger using my real name, identity and existence to dupe advertisers into believing it's worth wasting their time extolling products I'd never look at in my wildest dreams. Like lawnmowers.
I presume that advertisers are being told that all this scraping means adverts are targetted. Well, as far as I can make out they're targetted to a fake person with my digital ID.
@glynmoody I'm more bothered by being a pseudo person, using my stolen data and ID. It's like there's a fake me person out there who actually "likes Jeremy Clarkson and wants to see more of him" or "is definitely interested in wedding venues" to name but two of the bizarre things this imaginary, but ID and datalinked (to me!) confection is supposed to be interested in. It's a kind of identity theft, really.
@glynmoody On a personal level, ues I suppose so, but in bulk it's just stolen identities being sold. Also anyone could decide anything about me if I was annoying. I'm not the datascraped me that's being sold off and have no way of knowing what that persona even is.
Apart from pseudo me watches Jeremy Clarkson and has a lawn to mow. Apparently pseudo me is also willing to consider football of amazing importance. I'm an old lady.
@TheDailyBurble you know what they say, in the future, everyone will be anonymous for 15 minutes.... confusing the algorithm is something I actively try to achieve...