Spending thirty million dollars to get bluesky to interoperate with itself while people are out here connecting C64s, AA-powered PalmPilots, aquarium pumps and toothbrushes to the Fediverse is definitely an entire idea.
"With your support we can increase the number of BlueSky servers from one to two, as long as they stand very still, don't change anything and also let us do it, all of which is a believable thing that will definitely happen."
Me, looking over at the tombstones of usenet, xmpp, mono and every twitter client, thirty years of embrace-extend extinguish, people heroically trying to revive email and rss, ad-supported operating systems and the walled SAAS-garden trail of tears: No.
@neal No joke, I would absolutely follow accounts that are just a local roasting machine with a camera that said, we roasted these beans for this long and it looked like this. I'd watch a twitch stream of coffee being roasted.