@glynmoody police union that supported the face eating leopards' party wonders about that new policy that all police officers have to submit to a daily face chewing by one of the local leopards.
We are back to "Nobody could have known that he meant what he was saying" and "Everybody was surprised that many if not most of Hitler's ugly policies were preannounced in his bestseller Mein Kampf".
Seriously, what did you think the felonious psychopath would do when elected?
@glynmoody So you mean his promise to pardon the Jan6 criminals who killed police officers if memory serves, would happen in an alternative universe without police officers thus no harm done. While in this universe where there are LEOs, Trump wouldn't do that to them?
You know, there is that irritating thing about reality, at some point Schrödinger's cat is either alive, or dead.
Literally like a sudoku puzzle, at some point the options for a cell narrow down to one possibility.
@glynmoody Yes, there is that little gem. He obviously promised many things that are contradictions to other things he promised. (As some people have correctly pointed out, some chapters in project2025 read literally like an undergraduate summary of all options on a topic.)
But if he had promised things that are contrary to your interests, than you have to expect a certain probability that the stuff you don't like will happen.
@glynmoody I fling the STUPID label about quite a bit, but how on earth can you be so uninformed, so myopic, or so self serving to be in law enforcement and not recognize that the Agent of Chaos, Lil’Donny is the antithesis of law and order??🤔
@glynmoody Yeah, I know. Everybody with basic statistics education can calculate the expected value of participating in a lottery, and yet there are enough idiots who pay the voluntary tax (read up on the history of lotteries they have been literally introduced to save bankrupt kingdoms' treasuries.)