I do not get why tiktok is banned. I don't get the "reasoning" at all.
It's a bad out-of-touch nonsense thing to do.
I do not get why tiktok is banned. I don't get the "reasoning" at all.
It's a bad out-of-touch nonsense thing to do.
@futurebird It's banned because the Dem establishment is a bunch of rubes who consistently fall for every trap set by Republicans, partly because avoiding it would require admitting that capitalism & their own big donors are the problem.
This was purely a set-up to make them look bad and to make the next administration look good for "fixing" it. And everyone with a clue told them this at the time.
@futurebird There's a difference between taking action that facilitates fascism (voting for the enemy or not voting at all, spreading disinformation or useless demotivating information that encourages others to do the same, etc.) and criticizing strategic mistakes and mismatched values in the Democratic party.
Anyone who equates these two things is an asshat.
They are so old and out of touch.
Someone will say "well do you like fascism better?" and of course I don't. But, this idea that nothing critical can be said about their failures because it might undermine the urgent dangers we're facing is just making those danger more proximate since they so ill equipped and flat footed when facing them.
Everyone explained this. And so many other things but the ancient party leaders "know better" where is that taking us now?
@futurebird which other dominant social media apps fall under "foreign adversary controlled applications"?
I don't see how it's any worse than the rest of the dominant social media apps.
@futurebird you don't get why a CCP-controlled app with extensive data collection pushing content to 100 million (mostly young and impressionable) Americans would be not desirable?
@leo @futurebird As opposed to the exact same party buying the exact same data from US data brokers, and paying US social media companies to put the same manipulative information in front of Americans.
Clearly the problem is not that a "CCP-controlled" party gets the sensitive data on US persons & propaganda placement in front of them, but that they're not paying US businesses for the privilege of doing so.
@leo @futurebird Majority stake in X is held by Saudis and Russians. They just cloaked it by having Elon be the nominal owner, while they own the debts he "bought" it with.
@futurebird @dalias Perhaps we're the fools projecting our values on the lesser evil and then being surprised that they're still evil, even if less so.
@tadbithuman @futurebird Um, I don't think we're doing that..?
@leo @futurebird LMAO if only that were enforced.
@dalias @futurebird it's already illegal to sell personally identifiable data of Americans to foreign adversaries, including China and Russia.
Aptly called " Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024".
@tadbithuman @futurebird I don't see the Democratic party as reflecting our values in practice. I see them as claiming to do so, wanting to be seen as the "good guys", and vulnerable to being exposed as not doing so.
As opposed to proudly evil.
@dalias @futurebird I was.
@dalias @tadbithuman @futurebird 2.) But the Repigs couldn't play that game anymore and went full Christo-fascist oligarchy. They will win, and the world will enter its blackest time ever, worse than everything before because the entire species is at stake.
@gmsizemore @tadbithuman @futurebird Folks aren't going to just let them do that so easily. If they won't have democratic means to deny them what they want, it'll be Luigi's means.
@dalias @tadbithuman @futurebird Yes. The pre-Trump Dims just wanted to loot the middle-class in cahoots with the Repiglicans. The Repigs would push for "money for the rich," the Dims would oppose but, generally, lose. Hey...but they really did try, right? Right? So...they were still "our champions" ('cause they tried so valiantly), but the bottom line was a transfer of trillions to the wealthy. The US was always a thinly disguised oligarchy - disguised to avoid pushback. It worked. [cont]
@gmsizemore @tadbithuman @futurebird Not really talking about revolution as much as uncontrolled backlash.
@dalias @tadbithuman @futurebird I doubt there will ever be some sort of Marxist-like revolution. The elite rich have divided the non-rich over culture-war issues.
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