@rasterweb @ascentale @pete #BikeNite A3 Sadly, many bike events in our county are only announced on Instagram/Meta. We’re making tough decisions on how or whether to continue sharing many local events. We have an IG acct but often don’t log in for weeks/mos & are even less inclined now. Yrs ago we put many hrs into hosting countywide Google calendar (yeah, not thrilled with that giant either) & the major local bike orgs fed their calendars into it. Tried to get, e.g., county’s transport agency to post their own bike mtgs & events either there or on their own site’s calendar, but despite “community outreach” requirements, they didn’t get a round tuit. Our 35 -section directory's index has many recurring events, and we used to keep dates current there. It took much research&maintenance; we now leave it to folks to track em on their own. This is a gap in our work now, but as we’ve put well over 22K all-unpaid hours into bike advocacy, most calendar work had to slide. :( Subscriber news often still incl some.)