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Kevin Costner agrees
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@Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 GRIT is a fun channel to watch.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 When I was a kid, nearly all we watched were Westerns. But they were family friendly movies back then.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I didn't see that one.
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It's a good Western.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I always liked Brian Dennehy and Helen Hunt (just found out she's a lesbian, yuk).
But never saw it. I may have to look it up and watch it.
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I think you will like it. I've watched it many times.
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@chitchatkat1 @Sergio4ever @cowanon Yeah I liked it too. It was the only movie, except for Criminal, Kevin Costner was in that I liked.
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What about Silverado?
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@Sergio4ever @cowanon Omg Water World I watched that movie a million times
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @UnityOstara @chitchatkat1 Heights are my real serious fear, tho.
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@Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @UnityOstara @chitchatkat1 I didn't think I had a fear of heights till we rode the ferris wheel at Fair Park in Dallas--apparently it's the tallest one in the world. I always liked ferris wheels as a kid, but when we got up to the top, my husband, me, and a guy with his 5 year old all froze in absolute terror. We all silently didn't say anything so the kid didn't get scared. He just played with his toys and seemed fine. Heauxly shid it was stressful.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @UnityOstara @chitchatkat1 Yeah, I'm kinda claustrophobic too.
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I've toured subs, but not a u-boat.
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@HockeyDoxie @UnityOstara @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I've never been in a sub. Would like to have seen the inside of one.
My brother served in nuclear subs in the Navy.
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Very claustrophobic. It made me uncomfortable.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @UnityOstara @chitchatkat1 I've read the book. I love the movie. I rewatch it every so often.
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@Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I've been to the U-Boot in the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago
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If it's a good movie, I don't mind subtitles.
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@HockeyDoxie @UnityOstara @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 One of my old favorites, Das Boot, has subtitles. I do understand German, but I have a hard time sometimes when people speak too fast.
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Fantastic movie.
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@HockeyDoxie @Thusnelda @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I like not having to squint to read text messages in new movies. Ffs! If I wanted to read subtitles! #justGenXthings
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That's why I like old movies.
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@LawrenceGerald @Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @UnityOstara @chitchatkat1 I've bungee jumped and free climbed and jumped out of airplanes and still find ferris wheels scarier than any of those things.
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@UnityOstara @LawrenceGerald @Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 So you've never landed in an airplane?? Neat!
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@BowsacNoodle @LawrenceGerald @Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I've skydived once!
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@BowsacNoodle @LawrenceGerald @Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I've only flew twice. Once in a helicopter. The other skydiving.
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@LawrenceGerald @BowsacNoodle @UnityOstara @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 My flying days are over. I used to fly for work sometimes or for vacation in Europe.
I wouldnt want to now with troublesome niggers on planes (not to mention flying the planes) and in Europe.
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@BowsacNoodle @UnityOstara @LawrenceGerald @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I have made many flights. I dont care for flying, but there are some places in this world you just can't drive to. At a certain altitude, I ask God to forgive my sins just in case I die in a plane crash. Then I read.
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@Thusnelda @BowsacNoodle @UnityOstara @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 I'm kind of at the place where the only places I will go I have to drive to. You never know; we haven't been able to afford a vacation since 2017 and for all I know we never will again. I've seen so many videos of bad nigger behavior on planes and frankly white people don't act a lot better when they travel. I'm not ruling anything out but I can't imagine being able to afford a vacation to a faraway place AND finding a farmsit I can trust.
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#metoo killed chivalry
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@Thusnelda @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 and everyone had manners around women...polite an' sheeeit.
I was raised to open doors for women. I stopped doing it after getting the "Emma Faber" look a few times in my 50s.
"OK. Fuck you then."
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Most men don't even look up when a woman walks by. It's sad. They'd rather look at their phone or the ground instead of saying hello, or good day to a lady.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @UnCL3 @chitchatkat1 Yes, they were. Very lady like and feminine.
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@UnCL3 @HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @chitchatkat1 My Mom and Grandma wore dresses similar to those.
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They were very flattering dresses.
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@HockeyDoxie @Sergio4ever @cowanon @Thusnelda @chitchatkat1 ya...old times, when men were kings and women were dames.