@Frondeur@Crux_Invictus@10yand5hand400t@BowsacNoodle His daughter, Anne Darwin, and her death to tuberculosis in 1851 was what greatly affected Darwin and his apostasy and his eventually using science of speciation and a carefully crafted fable to attack the Lord. Reading and affirming Charles Lyell's explicitly anti-Biblical uniformitarian geology, while on Darwin's trip to the Galapagos Islands prior in the 1830's, sealed his fate regarding his everlasting misrepresentation of natural history.
This is all assuming that Darwin was sincere and civically moral when writing On the Origin of the Species the decade Anne died and not an anti-Christ piece of shit plagiarizing the work of betters on natural selection and mixing it with his own silly idea of biological evolution.
@Crux_Invictus@BowsacNoodle@10yand5hand400t >You don't get it, Christian, I HAVE to be evolved from a paramecium. Saint Darwin of His Monkey's Grace and Saint Dawkins the Selfish told me so. I cannot possibly be fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving Creator.
@BowsacNoodle@10yand5hand400t >"In the beginning God created" >Hmm I wonder what the Bible could be trying to tell me here.... Surely it's not that God created all things, that'd be too simple and I'm far too smart for that!
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@Frondeur@SuperSnekFriend@Crux_Invictus@10yand5hand400t >but on the other hand, we've got certain ape like traits, such as the tail bone Spheres exist in nature therefore stars evolved from oranges (If Darwin was a Greek philosopher). Heritability was understood by breeders animal husbando-dry for millenia but not plotted mathematically until a Catholig Monk xDDD did the math with pea plants. Genetics are an incomplete approximation, epigenetics vindicated Lamarck, and the immutability of living things cannot be reduced to pure mathematical units in a way we can grok. We have the uncertainty principle, and we accept the inability to know information about an electron but Science :trademark: pooh-poohs the idea of a soul. OKAYBUDDYRETARD.PNG
@Frondeur@SuperSnekFriend@Crux_Invictus@10yand5hand400t@BowsacNoodle Evolution is true, espesially for beasts, there's no arguing that, as for man, I'm not certain, I'm not a Christian but I do believe there's something special about men for lack of a better word, wouldn't say a "soul" persay as I'm an animist to some degree, IE I belive souls aren't exclusive to humans (I don't believe they're interchangeable either lol), but ours are special, but on the other hand, we've got certain ape like traits, such as the tail bone, So I'm really not sure exactly what the case is for us.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@BowsacNoodle@Crux_Invictus@Frondeur@SuperSnekFriend@10yand5hand400t there are also just straight up errors like the inability to produce vitamin C or the redundant path of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, alongside the more obvious things like deadly wisdom teeth, spinal problems from bipedalism being relatively recent, or our tastebud's response to sugar post-agricultural revolution
whichever way you put it, humanity being a goal of evolution just doesn't describe reality.
@BowsacNoodle@Frondeur@SuperSnekFriend@Crux_Invictus@10yand5hand400tyoutube.com/watch?v=rFxu7NEoKC8 I explained it poorly, it's not that the tailbone for example is like an ape per say, it's that it's vestigial, there is no reason for us to have it save it having been there from apes, same with several other traits. Like I said, I'm certain of this though from a spirtual standpoint I'm not sure where I'd go with it (perhaps we're just the most developed and that's why our souls are the way they are, I don't really know)
@BowsacNoodle@Cyrillic@Crux_Invictus@Frondeur@SuperSnekFriend@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@10yand5hand400t Oh no, I get it completely. “Just yanking” teeth is much easier said than done - even for crappy wisdom teeth - and mine were so stupid, impacted, and eventually infected, they’d likely have shaved a good fifteen or so years off my life if I wasn’t insured in a society blessed with oral surgery. This is one out of many arguments that get thrown against Theists as a shotgun Against-Special-Creation - plus - Why-Bad-Thing-Happen? Of course it falls just as flat, too, when one actually takes Traditional Christian Thought in its completeness into account - instead of the usual late-stage strawmen. Still, it’s nice seeing the kids are interested in the debate.