personal story is i ran out of spoons to cook (esp. with the lack of appreciation and constant nitting) so the last thing i did was still showed up to prep the carrots and such.
no thankfulness, just "it doesn't count unless you do ALL the cooking"
@realcaseyrollins well the broken stair here is i'm the one who was constantly advocating for eating at home, not getting takeout every day, cutting a small amount for savings, coming up with incentive plans so if somebody helps with the cooking they get a cut of the difference
like it was averaging 30-40$ a person per day in takeout and i'm like you could just pay them 15$ to cook it and actually use the groceries we buy anyway, and both of you come out ahead
@icedquinn I do think there is a difference between "do nice things for people" and "do whatever people tell you to do". Although I know from experience that if you're raised a certain way it can be VERY hard to tell the difference!
@realcaseyrollins mostly sour in that i have been in the place to do as the monk says, and it doesn't do jack. :cirno_doubt: you cannot save them. you can only be safe from them.