I open up my IBM Redhat laptop, and boot up my SystemD/Linux operating system. I come to the SystemD-Bootloader boot screen and select SystemdOS (formerly Fedora linux). The SystemD init system runs, and I'm greeted with the SystemD login screen, I punch in my password and username, and I am greeted with the SystemD TTY, I can select from various SystemD coreutils. I run SystemD-Wayland and boot into my SystemDE. I open up the SystemD-Web browser running on the SystemD-webkit, and run tasks on the web. I remember its about time to update SystemdOS so I open up SystemD-Terminal and run SystemD-update, I run System-run0 to authenticate my identity, allowing SystemD-Update to run. 2000 packages to upgrade.
That's when my SystemD-RSS newsfeed gives me a SystemD-Notification. I shake with excitement, work is being done to finally replace the insecure, archaic Linux kernel with a brand new SystemD-Kernel slated for release in Q2 2030. I can barely contain myself, I think I cum a little. I experience a SystemDgasm like no other. I spin around like a school girl in my chair, I turn to face my SystemD-Poster on my wall of Lenerd Pottering, it's cum stained from my many intimate sessions with it, i stroke the poster lovingly, I stand up and kiss Pottering on his SystemD-Lips, SystemdOS will finally be free of outside influence, this is the greatest day of my SystemD-Life.
@sally@adachi The stage3 archives alone are free by default, but that's primarily only because they don't come with Linux or much else.
The default "@FREE" license set approves the nonfree Artistic license by default - so you need to set ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE -Artistic" yourself to make portage accept only free software by default.
All the Linux ebuilds they provide are proprietary versions of Linux, incorrectly marked as LICENSE="GPL-2" instead of LICENSE="GPL-2 no-source-code".
It is almost certain that there is other nonfree software with an incorrect LICENSE too.
Software that respects the users freedom doesn't encourage the users to install proprietary malware by filling the ebuild tree chock full of proprietary software.
@sally FSF's reason for not including it autistic since its free by default and you have to actively accept a non-free license to install linux-firmware or non-free games
@sally@adachi >No, they did remove all proprietary drivers and software The Linux developers did no such thing.
A couple years ago they moved some of the proprietary peripheral software to "linux-firmware", but not all of it and they keep occasionally array-encoding proprietary software and adding it - such added software is only occasionally moved to "linux-firmware" - typically it stays there unless and until it becomes totally obsolete (i.e. appletalk).
Many drivers in Linux are only half of the driver - the other half is proprietary peripheral software that runs on the peripheral device and those drivers are therefore proprietary.
No, they did remove all proprietary drivers and software but there's still proprietary bits that they can't be bordered removing, someone discussed this issue on their mail list.
You can just download Linux-libre, compile it and install it either way.
@sally Surely the only proprietary part of the kernel is WIFI drivers? The installation USB will have these in, but wireless LAN drivers aren't enabled by default in gentoo.
besides the discriminatory language, it's factually wrong: several FSF-approved distros include it, because it is indeed Free Software, despite having been forced by very questionable means into multiple distros
you missed a great chance to write SystemDOS in the og ;-)
@sally@adachi The Gentoo maintainers do not make any modifications to Linux to patch out any proprietary software (aside from one ebuild that has an option to run the Linux-libre patching script).
> I don't understand how systemd is so bad, since it is free software written in C.
It's only free de-jure as it's blatantly and disgustingly corporate in spirit, soystemd is so massive that maintaining such thing would be an unacceptable toll for any free computing community, much like Linux itself.
It's only a matter of "when" will it be forked and re-licensed proprietary by Bootlicker Lennard for Microshit Winblows, RHEL, etc.
I see, thanks, I couldn't pick that up from the context
SystemD appears to be part of what I've come to conceive of as a complexity attack on the free software world. programs that are so complex and/or massive that, although the freedoms are technically available to users, they're effectively out of reach. I haven't developed those thoughts enough to write extensively about it, but it seems to be a real issue that we need to watch out for
but systemd is hardly the worst at this attack. what I really dislike about it was the way it was forced down people's throats, the adoption of nontextual files that require systemd tools to read when you most don't need such barriers because the system is down and systemd is not working
@lxo@Suiseiseki Making hard dependencies should be enough reason to ditch systemd. See how postmarketos had to implement systemd to make Gnome and KDE works because otherwise it's more difficult.