@PraxisOfEvil My first thought, because Elon and Trump were in the news and I've been thinking about his stupid exploding cars, was that it would be hilarious if that's what occurred.
There was an ISIS dude running people down on Bourbon Street, but this is just a shitty truck exploding because people pay $80k to sit in a death-trap with an iPad for a dashboard.
@ins0mniak The only upside here is that the :bidenicecream: bought 100,000 of them or something so maybe it'll be government employees more often than civilians. 1185612938131.jpg
Maybe, but unlikely: they just do that. It closes the freeway down if one of them catches fire because they explode and the fire department won't get near them, and they catch fire a lot because Tesla's super-advanced battery technology is literally just like a few hundred 18650s hand-wired together and shoved into a box. (The auto-drive feature in Teslas, like in all of the other ones, is also--I am not making this up--just a remote driving feature that they are pretending is AI. They have some guy in Pakistan making slave wages to drive these boomers around.)
Tesla's super-advanced battery technology is literally just like a few hundred 18650s hand-wired together and shoved into a box. (The auto-drive feature in Teslas, like in all of the other ones, is also--I am not making this up--just a remote driving feature that they are pretending is AI.
This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks, all the Tesla skeptics keep getting proven right lmao
@PraxisOfEvil There are videos of teardowns. The Pakistani RC car operation was in the news, I think it was GM that got caught and Tesla declined to comment.
So then this year they all announced that they were scaling back their "self-driving" AI. I wonder if the latency is the reason for the fender-benders. (You can bounce it off a satellite but you can't increase the speed of light or reduce the distance between Pakistan and the US.)
It was the same thing with Facebook's "AI" for trending news stories: it was literally a room full of interns.
@p@PraxisOfEvil life consists of many tests. Buying an EV, especially a Tesla, is one of many ways to fail hard. "Yes, I'd like a mobile surveillance machine strapped to a bomb made of plastic with four wheels that is outrageously expensive to fix and annoying to find charging points for." Dying in a fire in one is the comedy in "tragicomic."
> Dying in a fire in one is the comedy in "tragicomic."
Shit, the doors won't open if the battery loses power. LAFD watched a guy burn to death because they couldn't get close because the thing was about to explode.
@deprecated_ii@PraxisOfEvil It is management skills: the same logic allows you to replace one American employee with six offshore guys and still save money.
@p@PraxisOfEvil i've driven teslas in places beyond cell towers and the autopilot or w/e seemed to work fine. as near as i can tell it just adjusts speed by recognizing speed limit signs, uses radar for spacing between other cars like every other new model these days, and uses a juiced up lane departure assist to stay inside the lines. idk if foreign labor would even tally out green on the economics side of things tbh
@p@jeremiah Spending the cost of a starter home on Elon's version of the DeLorean knowing full well it could turn into a toaster oven at any time is really something else man
@PraxisOfEvil Maybe the reason Amazon closed down the Mechanical Turk service was that they lost their competitive edge if they were sharing their pool of third-world box-clickers.
@adiz@PraxisOfEvil 1962 conference in Mecca, the strategy was to use Wahhabism to avoid getting caught between the US and USSR during the cold war, and to hopefully avoid the same fate as Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe. Israel is just the guys we propped up. The opposition is the US and Russia, has been since the entire region became a perpetual warzone. Putin's been telling Assad "no" more often because Putin wants a deadlock between Turkey, Iran, and Syria, Assad didn't work out, Iran is being set up to be our Ukraine equivalent. "Israeli opposition", my ass.
But there's zero "fighting opposition" if you're running down drunk tourists in New Orleans. It's just bullshit, it's just GTMO-bait, it's just trying to get the high score, it's just the CIA's excuse and the FBI's excuse and the NSA's excuse to pull more ridiculous shit and start more wars. (ISIS is probably half CIA-controlled nowadays anyway. Nothing more opportunities for kompromat than a purity spiral and nothing makes for a better purity spiral than a religious war.)