@dictatordave@fknretardlol@UnCL3@Wormwood Why are we competing with China? Why are we competing with anyone? Most of them are focused on their own well being and the western merchant 'elite' have made it their personal mission to make everyone's lives miserable for the sake of their bottom line. Like we're still fighting some imaginary war of their own making. They need boogiemen to deflect public anger and outrage away from themselves and they've used foreign powers as those scapegoats.
After the death of the real upper class/caste in America, their children and grandchildren were bought up by kikes, and this country has rapidly spiraled into destitution since then.
Boomers trying to LARP as WASPs utterly cheapified and ritualized a lot of WASP behaviors and aspects of their lives that don't translate into common practice in any meaningful or practical ways.
These are the important questions that, as he stated, have finally entered the wider White Zeitgeist. What is a 'nation'? Why are we competing? Why should I work 80 hours a week to secure your corporate margins? Are dating apps and mobile games really worth demographic replacement?
@fknretardlol@UnCL3@Eiswald@Wormwood his point still stands tho why isn't china importing indians? why doesn't china import niggers from the us? why doesn't china import wet backs?
@fknretardlol@Wormwood Also saved it for posterity. Somebody had to do it and it's good that it was Sam even if he's playing the role of court jester here. With every other faggot 'conservative' mouth piece gargling Elon's nutsack while he bald-faced lies right to everyone's face and starts silencing them as 'bots and trolls' for calling his stupid ass out.
They really fucked up on a level beyond their own comprehension.