I don't generally care about individual people in the world. I don't think that their existences in isolation have much significance or hold much interest to me, especially when we're talking about what they *are*. I care more about what individuals do, and inge has written one of the most interesting pieces of g/acc-adjacent theory (https://cybercommedia.neocities.org/necromanhood/append) which is more than I can say for a fucking lot of transfems I've known over the years who followed this exact same kind of simplistic, literal identity politics "men = bad because they self-identify as men" thinking.
my issue isn't with individuals in the world who describe themselves as men but rather where they fit into a materialist analysis of men as a class, and ildottore is one of a few transmascs I've met who is on board with this kind of analysis and has always been good to the transfems around here. in fact, I do not give a single fucking shit what someone self-identifies as and think that having any attachment to that is just the other side of the coin of the libfem analysis of gender as a subjective feeling and performance of it.
@kittenlikeasmallcat@salt basically ildottore is sorta like the German and Polish Haitians who were made honorary Black Haitians after the revolution because they weren't choosing to be complicit in French colonialism. because it isn't in the material self-interest of any men to align themselves with women's struggles (much less that of trans women) I don't as a rule expect men as a class to ever be on my side, but it's always possible for there to be exceptions to the rule of individuals being intelligent and decent people instead of just going with whatever is already the miserable status quo we're all condemned to.
@kittenlikeasmallcat@salt additionally, the other side of the coin with this line of identity politics thinking is that it creates a petty moralism where men bad because of how they identify, and women good because of how they identify. I can say that the latter is an equally fucking stupid and useless position to hold. I've known a lot of women, a lot of trans women even, who have been really shitty as individuals and would have no place in Neo-Amazonia.
identity politics is bad and conflating idpol with radical feminism or any adjacent tendencies like materialist feminism is a literal patriarchal strawman of feminism. it's fun to lean into the men-hating dykes killing all moids thing but let's not do that at the expense of any serious analysis and become a resentful mob of idiots.