They taught us how to say the words for all the years beginning with 2525=twenty-twenty-five.
So naturally when 2001 came around I started saying 'twenty oh one" but no one else did. Everyone understood me and still does but everyone also adds the words 'thousand and' which is so many more words.
I just don't get it. It's been twenty-four years and people still won't use the shorter version like we used for all the years before 2000. 😹 😹 😹
@KeepTakingTheSoma@LaylaAlexandrovna I just want to go back to saying the last two digits only. It's been 25 years, we can say back in 23 or back in 19, or some time in 27 it's gonna expire.
@LaylaAlexandrovna@polarisera@KeepTakingTheSoma A kid recently told me about a video she saw of a stage performance “in the 1900s.” I think it was shot in 1986. Man did that make me feel old.
@Biff@polarisera@KeepTakingTheSoma Weirdly that type of thing doesn't make me feel old exactly - more like amazed at all the incredible things that have happened in my lifetime.
What makes me feel old are the diseases of old age!!! :grr: