Somewhere in Shenzhen there's a nerdy Ph.D. candidate who's gonna go do great things.
Realistically speaking, he's never gonna come to America and do great things for us no matter how much the US gov attempts to roll out the red carpet for him.
There's practical reasons for that: he has good career prospects back home. He has family back home. He has a girlfriend back home. Or maybe he doesn't, and that's a totally different can of worms innit
If the genius rocket surgeon Kwan Wen Du does decide to come to America, he expects generous immigration concessions for his entire family, elderly parents, girlfriend, mistress, drunk uncle and unemployed half brother.
@KuteboiCoder the biggest problem is that it doesn't matter how brilliant that Chinese PhD is, if he is working with people he can't communicate with, he isn't effective and his team isn't effective.
Historically, China has underperformed for their size.
Given that the top 0.001% simply WILL NOT immigrate, no matter what compensation and policy concessions are offered, then that rhetoric is obviously just a bait-and-switch tactic to traffick middling warm bodies into America's companies and job market.
After all, invite 100,000 foreigners and presumably 1 of them is a genius like #Elon. Anything is possible.
@sickburnbro@KuteboiCoder The idea that Whites need to tap the rest of the planet for the "top 0.1%" is silly on it's face
We built the first world and invented every single bit of "tech" that we supposedly need foreigners to operate
Combine this with the fact that AI is rapidly making human programing obsolete, we don't need more than what we have right here and in fact should be thinking long term what we're going to do with 19 year old STEM majors in 25 years when sentient AI does all this for us flawlessly.
@Homosoypiens@KuteboiCoder I keep hearing that AI is going to do this or that, but it has this feeling like how scientists thought they had the world mechanistically defined at the beginning of the 20th century - close, but drastically wrong in all important ways.
The hallucination problem doesn't seem solvable, and it makes me question what kind of system has actually been built.
#AI is not all that impressive; we have porn generators and interactive chatbots that store and skim wikipedia articles. That's pretty much it.
The #AIbubble is the result of the prospect of possible #AGI that may materialize eventually, and almost certainly will not materialize on a short-term time horizon.
Lots and lots of startup investors are going to be left holding the bag.
@KuteboiCoder The interesting thing about this whole conversation is that has been started is that it is starting to get to the crux of the curse of globalism.
No-one actually wants a strip mall of a civilization. They want their food, they want their holidays, they want their greetings.
When Jill Biden said "Happy Holidays" to children at the White House this year and they screamed back "Happy CHRISTMAS" it seemed like an interesting moment, but it seems even more fitting now
@Homosoypiens@KuteboiCoder the problem is that when you start trying to do something like that, you have to know how to generate a question to input to the system to get a useful set of results to then analyze.
For a static question, you can probably brute force a prompt that will work, but it is likely impossible to have a single generalized format that will generate good results to analyze.
It's like trying to make an AI into a general math problem solver. You can't assume you can always solve a problem in 3 steps, or even N steps.
@sickburnbro@KuteboiCoder Seems to be an issue with their inability to train standard models to have "self doubt" causing them to just flat state info that might be otherwise illogical to a human mind
Was reading an article the other day that talked about a new method they're experimenting with that forces the AI to generate a set of answers to a problem and then analyze them before delivering a proper response
Supposedly produced results that would require a substantially larger model size to achieve at the cost of extra seconds of response time
@EvilSandmich@KekistaniWanderer He's focusing on solutions because he has experienced success, and is simply saying "just go back to what worked when I was 20"
I think that over-analyzing things is a problem, so I won't argue with people saying "I just want to find a solution."
The key is to understand that you can't just reset to 1980 or whatever, because as we've seen with all the elite colleges, they just try to sneak DEI though whatever way they can, because THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE MORALLY JUSTIFIED.
@sickburnbro The bullshit starts even earlier. Isn't it true that American whites are fucked over even before they start their academic studies by the universities giving out grants and scholarships disproportionately to nonwhites?
one problem is that AI systems are being controlled by humans who hate. in the process of training an AI system to avoid being bigoted or racist, they are teaching it to be bigoted and racist. remember that HAL in "2001 a Space Odyssey" was instructed to lie to the astronauts, and it extended that order to killing them.
here in the opening skirmishes of ww3, AI systems are being taught to identify enemies, and we are only a few decision points away from some systems being given agency to kill those enemies.
garbage in garbage out, but with new, improved and godlike power!