I'm not Christian but I'm conflicted because, by some accidents of history, Christians appear to have a monopoly on white, civilized values in this part of the world
If you're not a christcuck you're a moral relativist poopdicker
Trying to piece together a high-social-trust intergenerational spirituality that actually fucking works, without Jeezus and without Gawd duh vader, is challenging and likely to fail. It isn't like it hasn't been tried before
The question is - if a truly pro-community spirituality can be revived in the present day
Most people who believe that spirituality is necessary will practice an existing revealed religion, and the rest are self-serving masturbatory poopdickers
@KuteboiCoder@andreas Secular cycles are a thing, as religions get dumber, cults attract smart people. I think its possible we will see a very painful death of most Christianity then we see who wins between mormons, amish, islum and anything else that happens in the mean time.
I dont like these options, but well, those who manage to have children in the face of modernity will inherent the earth
But even if they weren't, none of them were raised as reddit New Atheist shitheads, and there's no reason to believe that they will raise children that way and die that way. Many of them will be cheap-grace shithead Christians on their deathbed.
Honestly, I'm afraid that the successor religion to Christianity will be Shithead Christianity.
You know the type. "I was a stoner as a teenager, but Jeebuz saved me!!!1!!" and they're still fat, in debt, watching porn, sleeping around on the pill, functionality illiterate, barely employable, untalented at every possible creative and artistic endeavor.
We speak of dynastic cycles, but there's no guarantee shit gets better after it gets worse.
Laws 1. Don't truly trust anyone but yourself. (unless they really earned it) 2. Respect nature. Love Plants and Animals. 3. Be Based (be yourself and be confident in yourself). 100% Positivity. No Negativity. 4. Always learn from history, and all of the twisted religions and philosophies, to discover the True philosophy / religion. 5. (((Rosicrucians))), (((Jesuits))), (((Freemasons))), (((etc.))) are sworm enemies of Humanity. Know the difference between a poor, foolish Jew, who was never trusted with anything, and a (((Kike))). 6. Circumcision is forbidden. 7. Transsexualism is forbidden. (Crossdressing is fine) 8. Slavery is forbidden. Do your own work. 9. Lust and addictions must be kept in check. 10. Shun ignorance. Reject panic. Reject fear. Be not ruled by your emotions. Be not easily offended. 11. Suing is amoral. 12. Make all patents and copyrights, Free as in freedom. 13. Do not create new laws lightly.
@KuteboiCoder@andreas I personally dont find any religion credible. I was raised mormon and the church bend the knee with everyone else during corona. I give it two years before the leftist pope is permissive for trans-ing kids and pedophiles.
I think religion is wildly important but whats on offer seems like empty shells.
Religion needs to be a source of moral strength and organizing social events to maintain community, most seem to be failing these tasks at a basic level, so I bet society degrades until someone else collects the pieces, if thats inside Christianity by all means I wish for thier success but why reform the Vatican, or some random american sect with a corporate structure and diversity hires when success of a single community of 100 would be achievement.
I stopped giving a shit about the church I was visiting when they started pushing BLM and muh white crime. They have a Black pastor who preaches a lot about his genius scientist daddy who was killed by the cops, and he dindu nuffin
It's not just an idiosyncrasy where this dude can say what he wants when it's his turn to preach. The other white preacher pushes the message of "we support our Black brothers and sisters" not just in a generic feel-good way, but with really specific objects lessons and demands for whatever is trending on MSNBC
@KuteboiCoder@andreas@monkyyy christianity is gay and churches have always been just to fill your head with nonsence every week. nowhere inthe bible does it even say to go to church
@monkyyy@KuteboiCoder@andreas I think people generally need religion and spirituality. Large parts of Christianity have forgotten about spirituality, because they're either stuck in rigid laws and rituals or have succumbed to an "everything goes", kumbayah attitude.
It's hard for the few actual inspiring leaders to teach spirituality when spirituality came natural to themselves. A good teacher is often a person, who had to struggle for his knowledge, not one who simply understood it instinctively.
Mainstream Christianity does at the moment not meet the people's spiritual needs.
The thing is, Jesus himself forbade us from looking outside of the Christian faith for answers. That is, if the New Testament is to be believed. Paul didn't exactly encourage picking side-dish condiments from other religions as a treat.
The Nicene Creed refers to "one church" and doesn't permit forming a rival sect
I've let go of my relationship with mom, after her latest meltdown. It's a permanent tantrum where she's not ever gonna apologize and she's not gonna forget or have an emotional reset after a few days.
After this, I have no reason to pay lip service to the notion that "I'm a Christian" after the Christian I know best is outta my hair, for good.
I'm absolutely revolted at the past of letting the god-talk pull at my heartstrings. And the god-talk will never work on her and will never make her nice and civil. She was faking civility the entire time. Anytime she needed a favor, any time she needed someone to talk to.
But no one puts up with her now. Not a goddamn soul.