(If a news story I see on that site that only has Right or Left, I justa avoid the story altogether, because I hate fear mongering and I hate outlandish stuff to get a ride out of people.)
@Purp1Lady The MILDLY conspiratorial left and right wing news are the best. The Gray Zone is one I like and it's far left. Really a matter of whether they source things and do research to support their ideas or if it's just ass pull. I don't agree with a lot of the conclusions Blumenthal comes up with, but he covers supporting factors and goes over some of the evidence for his conclusions. Generally he doesn't support the US government's official position on things, so he'll dig to find out why it's wrong. For example, he's one of the ones who really pushed back against the Syrian gas attack narrative that was manufactured whole cloth to drum up war against Assad.
I usually don't like that some people blame everything on Jewish people, but Israel doing underhanded stuff, isn't helping at all. (I also find it annoying how some Jewish people act like a fricking victim over being bullied, fight back for fucks sake.) Keep in mind, I never have an opinion on Jewish people in the first place originally. (It's probably not that deep but yeah lol)
@Purp1Lady@Tony I think that gives ZOG too much credit, I think they killed the kids (Typically by grooming some schizoid into it) same as they did in most of these school shootings.
I think Alex Jones is still having to pay a ton of money to the parents of the Sandy Hook shooting, which is a ton of money. (I personally don't get his theory about the victims of the shooting being crisis actors, I don't get that theory at all.)
The onion got sold in like the last year. The owner also tried to buy "info wars" or something too??? Idk, there was some drama and it's not the same anymore
@Tony@Purp1Lady@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Do you think I'm happy about that? Do you think I enjoyed learning it or that I didn't push back really hard against it? It sucks man. It's like seeing an extra color that a lot of people can only notice a glimpse of in their peripheral vision. I'm not saying I wish I never learned it, but it's definitely a burdensome piece of knowledge.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired@Purp1Lady No, it's accurate. He's a jew that's critical of neoliberalism and neoconservativism. I think he's probably anti-zionist too. I like that he doesn't accept regime propaganda nor stop at AP sources like most leftist news. He has retarded takes like his support of South American communists, but at least he's open about them and I can ignore. A well sourced alt news site is extremely valuable; they can have retarded conclusions but they're providing bread crumbs to stuff you can use to confirm biases or bolster alternative opinions in the process.
@BowsacNoodle@Tony@Purp1Lady Same with race realism and the rest of the redpill, that allegory is apt if you've seen the Matrix lol, at days end I like knowing but I miss say being able to enjoy most media say with out my brain immediately catching in on the subversiveness (this is why I stick to weebshit lol)