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Me and my friends in college.
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@BowsacNoodle I saw an Indian classmate of mine today and said hello to him decked out in Confederate shit 😂
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@Will2Power Most people literally do not care. A huhWhite man I know was singing Straight Outta Compton (folk cover) in a room full of Black people and they laughed. The one other White guy in the room shit himself thinking it was over. Nobody cares. People wear chains of fear willingly.
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@BowsacNoodle @Will2Power The modern Turing test is to say nigger
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@Zergling_man @BowsacNoodle I still need to shake this one off. I only do it in front of people I know for sure are /ourguy/.
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@Will2Power @Zergling_man Don't be stupid about it, but also don't be afraid. Women are generally more treacherous than men. Power level chicken is the way to go with feeling out anyone who could potentially cause harm if they wanted to with the info. Easy to talk about how something is popular with black people and see if the other guy agrees and amplifies or just straight to drops a hard r on "accident" like my old boss.
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@BowsacNoodle @Zergling_man Normies are way more likely to be "racist" than I am. I'm super careful about it.
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@Will2Power @BowsacNoodle @Zergling_man This speaks to me. I made lets plays a lot during covid and my friends were way edgier than I would ever dare to be while recording. It kinda bothered me. I wouldn’t have cared so much if I wasn’t a college student trying to get a globohomo job at the time, and still am. In fact it would have been way more fun if I didn’t have to worry about that nonsense. Probably would have gotten a better audience too as we’d have filled a shrinking niche of non-pozzed gaming channels lol