@raccoon@hollow.raccoon.quest @TheMNWolf@furry.engineer no, it's Reisen Udongein Inaba from FFXIV
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兎の月:moonrabbit: (amoonrabbit@mk.udongein.reisen)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:25 JST 兎の月:moonrabbit: -
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食 Shoku the MN Wolf (themnwolf@furry.engineer)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:26 JST 食 Shoku the MN Wolf @raccoon @amoonrabbit Well okay fair but I think they were referencing Touhou 😁
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食 Shoku the MN Wolf (themnwolf@furry.engineer)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:28 JST 食 Shoku the MN Wolf @raccoon @amoonrabbit I believe you have the right idea but the wrong game.
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Trash Panda (raccoon@hollow.raccoon.quest)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:28 JST Trash Panda @TheMNWolf@furry.engineer @amoonrabbit@mk.udongein.reisen FFXIV is never the wrong game
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Trash Panda (raccoon@hollow.raccoon.quest)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:30 JST Trash Panda @amoonrabbit@mk.udongein.reisen
Moon rabbit? Wtf are you, a loporrit? -
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兎の月:moonrabbit: (amoonrabbit@mk.udongein.reisen)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:33 JST 兎の月:moonrabbit: @raccoon@hollow.raccoon.quest hate this, especially after a 12 hour shift. Thankfully, the regular offender no longer works with me, and the current team members are pretty punctual.
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Trash Panda (raccoon@hollow.raccoon.quest)'s status on Saturday, 30-Nov-2024 23:13:35 JST Trash Panda Next shift person is late.
And he had the audacity to say hes gonna buy something on his way.
My guy, when I'm late I don't waste a second.
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