@creamqueen@cajax@gray the problem with roundabouts here is that you have to wait unless someone puts on a right turn signal which most likely means he'll be exiting on the exit you're on and so you can safely enter the roundabout without cutting him off and crashing, but PEOPLE ARE NIGGERS and DONT FUCKING PUT ON THEIR TURN SIGNALS WHEN THEY'RE EXITING A ROUNDABOUT BECAUSE THEY'RE LAZY FUCKS AND I HAVE TO WAIT AND WAIT AND WAIT
@cajax@creamqueen@gray i mean honestly its a 10-20 second wait if people pull that shit which is way better than an intersection but its still annoying because i have to stop and switch to first gear and wait for them to all go away
@meso@cajax@creamqueen@gray >DONT FUCKING PUT ON THEIR TURN SIGNALS WHEN THEY'RE EXITING A ROUNDABOUT But then they use them when entering which is supposed to be helpful somehow I guess
@shitpisscum@cajax@creamqueen@gray obviously youre gonna enter the roundabout. people who put on their turn signal when entering but not leaving are the most retarded gorilla niggers i have ever seen in my life. what are you gonna do otherwise. stop, leave your car and run??