@sabbatical Years ago i was on a liquid diet and remembered some of the ingredients, this loosely gave me the ability to play with the ingredients but found using less gave me a better nutrititonal balance given my goals.
My goal was to make each drink exactly 1/3 of my daily needs and complete (it can be my only source of food), this way i can drink 2 to loose weight, 3 to maintain. My goal was a keto diet so as close to 0 carbs as possible with about 50 grams protein and 50 grams fat per serving. I got that with the following recipie only perfectly:
* 500 mk of silky extra creamy almond milk (extra creamy for more fat)
* 100 ml of coconut cream (low sugar), this boosts the fat a bit and while it adds saturated fat it is short-chain saturated so far more heart healthy
* 125 grams of ground hemp hearts/seeds
* 1 dose of a powdered multivitamin (I went with GNC multi powder as it seemed the most complete)
* ~1gram potassium chloride
* If this is the only source of food you should add a small amoutn of sodium salt, I left this out since i am allowing very light snacking for carbs where i will get my salt
* Vanilla or hazelenut sugar free syrup for flavoring, in my case the multivitamin gives me vanilla flavor