@noricenolife @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews @CatDragon @mloxton @pearlbear — and you’ll sleep better knowing that Trump will give Netanyahu anything and everything he wants?
How exactly are you supposed to sleep after doing that?
You would have voted for the deaths of so many Palestinians. Some protest vote. That would be morally and ethically worse. So illogical.
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Church of Jeff (jeffowski@mastodon.world)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2024 01:32:25 JST Church of Jeff -
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Church of Jeff (jeffowski@mastodon.world)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2024 01:49:28 JST Church of Jeff @mloxton @noricenolife @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews @CatDragon @pearlbear — I study philosophy. There is no “ethics of intent”.
If you harm someone, that person doesn’t give a shit about your intent.
If you inflict harm and suffering in the world, your intent doesn’t matter.
Given everything you’ve posted,I peg you as a Libertarian, which is worse than a conservative. -
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Matthew Loxton (mloxton@med-mastodon.com)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2024 01:49:30 JST Matthew Loxton @jeffowski
It is only illogical if you are looking at outcomes rather than the ethics of intent.
@noricenolife seems to me to be prioritizing the ethics of intent@noricenolife @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews @CatDragon @pearlbear
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Church of Jeff (jeffowski@mastodon.world)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2024 02:12:28 JST Church of Jeff @mloxton @noricenolife @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews @CatDragon @pearlbear — Kantian Moral Theory is very different from the legal concept of intent and it does not exclude the results of the action. You cannot claim that voting for a third party won’t cause harm and there is a lot of evidence that it will cause harm. If you are using Kant’s moral theory, you fail there too.
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Matthew Loxton (mloxton@med-mastodon.com)'s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2024 02:12:29 JST Matthew Loxton @jeffowski
I also study philosophy.Yes, there is an ethics of intent - e.g. deontology, and all the ethics about doing the "right" thing, regardless of outcomes.
The law and society does give a shit about intent - that's why we punish accidental or incidental harm less than intentional.
And no, I am very much not Libertarian.
@noricenolife @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews @CatDragon @pearlbear
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