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@ageha @bigmattoidchimpin @leyonhjelm @kaia @admin @iceloops @sim evangelicals and fundamentalists are distinct to me but yes many evangelicals too. I grew up Baptist and Catholicism was a big No, it was regularly preached against.
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@bigmattoidchimpin @leyonhjelm @kaia @admin @iceloops @sim @ageha I was baptist and I got it preached to me all the time but I never remember any regular member of the church ever discriminating against a catholic. fwiw
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@sun @leyonhjelm @kaia @admin @iceloops @sim @ageha Funny thing is, I remember Catholics and Southern Baptists going in together on the Disney-Miramax boycott in the early '90s. Granted, my family was the only Catholic one in the entire neighborhood which fully implemented the boycott (no Disney crap growing up and the Disney channel on the box was static, lol). Then I met some Southern Baptist chicks in HS and they were like arrested development Disney princess drone stereotypes. And so the Weinstein Bros continued on.... Sorry, Rose McGowan, I tried, but you wuz Doomed Generation.
Also, I don't know if it's still true today or not, but only the RCC and SBC were opposed to that World Council of Churches crap too. Now, I'm sure Southern Baptists consider Catholics pagans/un-Christian because we're not fundamentalist, but the ones I knew never said anything like that to me. We were weirdo Apocalypse Catholics though, and I grew up watching Jack van Impe Presents. We just fought over the Israel stuff, and I tried...every...frickin'....argument. To no avail.
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@sun @ageha @admin @bigmattoidchimpin @iceloops @kaia @leyonhjelm @sim
in sweden there's been a big wave of people who want to be less "woke" moving from the church of sweden to the catholic church and the church of sweden kept the high church elements during the schism so it has bishops and stuff and you solemnly go to service in your best clothes and sing the psalms that the priest tells you to and listen quietly as they calmly and ritualistically preach and so on, there are absolutely no red cups or guitar playing or feverish mass prayer or etc.
normal people just attend for funerals and marriages though, they are not the state church technically anymore but they still hold an effective monopoly on graveyards