"Last month, the US Supreme Court basically told Trump who has been convicted of fraud that going forward he will be immune no matter what he does in the White House. The man has openly vowed that he will be a dictator on day one. He said he will "terminate the Constitution of the United States." This man should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States. Never again." --#KamalaHarris#press
So i read the quote, and it truely is a troubling statement he made there.
That said i see why now i coukdnt find it. The quote Kamala stated is not actually the same words trunp used. I think what she said was close enougb i wont call a foul on her, but its just sloppy to quote someone and use words the person didnt actually say. But again just nitpicking, its not like honesty is a virtue either side has.
Im literally sitting here tryi g to figure out which side you think is which... lkterally a GoP would say its the dems that are worse and vice versa. Since i dont know you i literally have no context to figure out what side you even mean.
I never said i cant tell the difference between the parties. I said i cant tell from your statements which party you thought was worse.
But no id say in terms of the qty of lies its comparable actoss parties, people though, namely trump, he is particularly bad with the words that come out of his mouth because he lacks tact. He is oboxious when he lies, biden/harris lie with style so the lies seem smaller.
@freemo@cbarbermd The dems slightly make stuff up. The GOP out-and-out makes up lies about immigrants, minorities, women, LGBTQ+, and others to push a fascist agenda. That you can't tell the difference implies either that you're comparing the parties from 20 years ago or you're not paying attention.
Yes, every president (and candidate) lies. Trump is a firehose of lies. There is no contest here.
I think they will both have the same number of statments that lies. Trumps lies however will be more grandiose and toxic like everything he does, which will seem like he isblying more when in reality he is just lying louder.
@freemo@cbarbermd "both" here being Clinton and Trump? Clinton and Biden? Biden and Trump?
But more to the point, if you take any one of Harris' speeches (or Biden's speeches or Clinton's speeches or Obama's speeches) and any one of Trump's speeches, at random, which do you think will have more verifiable falsehoods in it?
Has Trump ever uttered a statement with enough subtlety to it that I would even need a heightened sense of criticism? Most of Trumps comments are loud enough that whether i had that level of criticism or not my criticism would be largely the same.