Why isn’t the MSM plastering their publications with speculation about Trump dropping out, lists of Republicans demanding he drop out, palace intrigue about him dropping out, op-eds chiding him for not dropping out, speculation that he could drop out any day, hand-wringing about how badly he’ll lose if he doesn’t drop out…etc?
@inthehands They not only did this for a month straight to Biden, they did it during a month where the Supreme Court said presidents are kings and where there was literally an assassination attempt against the other candidate!
The press went full blast on Biden dropping out immediately after one debate where he seemed a bit sleep-deprived. But has Biden •ever• had a public appearance as disastrous as the one Trump just had?
So the press will be going full blast on Trump dropping out now, right?
Reputable news outlets are obviously neutral and objective, right? That means the same objective standards for all politicians!
There are Republican officials endorsing Harris now! How many Democratic officials endorsed Trump before, say, the NYT called for Biden to drop out? Oh, that’s right: zero! So obviously now they need to go in depth on the possibility of Trump dropping out. That’s just balanced coverage.
Replies ask: Who would replace Trump? What other Republican could win nationally? What other Republican could possibly unite the party?!
Hey folks, guess what: unless you’re a Republican, you don’t have to worry about it! The press had no answers when they called for Biden to drop out, and they don’t need any now to call from Trump to drop out!
“But wait,” the press cries, “no Republicans are actually calling from Trump to drop out!” Well not •publicly•, duh. But are you sure nobody’s wishing it in •private•? Really? I mean, come on.
Nobody was publicly calling for Biden to drop out either, at least not when the press went after the idea like a kitten chasing a laser pointer. Good news: that doesn’t need to stop you! You can endlessly •speculate• about it until somebody does come out of the woodwork!
How far behind was Biden in the polls when the press started their broken record “Will Biden drop out??” coverage going day after day after day? (The answer is “mostly tied within the margin of error.”) So obviously when Trump trails by the same margin, the press has to give him the exact same treatment. Otherwise it’s imbalanced. That’s just science, isn’t it?
“But PAAAAAULL,” you cry, “none of that is how journalism works!”
Well gosh, that’s what I thought too about when the press was bird-dogging Biden, but apparently all this is exactly how the press works. That is unless of course they’re straight-up campaigning for Trump. But we all know the press would never!
@inthehands As they at least sometimes at some points say to journalists: "if one person you interview says it's raining, and another says it's dry, your job is not to report both sides. It's to look out a fucking window and determine which is the truth."
In the interest of balance and journalistic integrity, I warmly encourage you to pester the crap out of your favorite US news outlet about all of the above.
@inthehands@exchgr The Republican Party, now desperate for someone to run at all, drafts their nominee from 2012, Mitt Romney, plus some luckless Senator or governor as VP. The non-Democratic vote is gloriously split, and Harris wins all the states won by either Obama or Biden at some point, with the possible exception of Indiana. A few other states fall in her column that wouldn’t have otherwise. Romney wins Utah and maybe Idaho and one or two other Western states. Trump, whose loss is beyond the wildest ability of corrupt election officials to undo, disappears into a black hole of self-pity before any of his remaining trials.
@dpnash@exchgr It’s beautiful. And then I get the laser pony, right?
But seriously, this is •exactly• the scenario the Republican elites have been trying to prevent since Trump clinched the nomination in 2016. And that is what made Trump’s takeover of the party so swift and so complete. They’d rather destroy the country than split the party.
It seems emptywheel is also wondering when exactly the press will apply their objective, unbiased reporting principles and trumpet the many, many possibly hypothetical calls for Trump to drop out (via @wdlindsy):
“Outlets like the NYT have largely memory holed what a shit show [Trump’s press conference] was.
“In response to Joe Biden’s similarly awful performance at the debate, the NYT dedicated weeks to demanding he drop out.
I am completely confident that the US press will now begin doling out the hacked material to the public piece by piece, keeping this story alive over a period of weeks and months, fostering all sorts of wild speculation about the internal corruption and sinister machinations of the Trump campaign while implying the campaign is incompetent and possibly in violation of the law for having been hacked — as we all know is standard journalistic practice in this situation: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/10/trump-campaign-hack-00173503
Re the post upthread, Brian Beutler lays it out in embarrassingly (for the press) stark terms. Here’s what Dean Baquet of the NYT said in 2016:
“When we learn important things, to not publish is a political act. The calculation cannot be, we’re just not going to publish because that would screw up American politics. You know, at that point, I will go into business as like a campaign adviser to people and not as a journalist.”
Don’t tell me there isn’t a single person, not a one, somewhere in the Republican Party machine who’s privately wishing for a different candidate right now.
This is totally absent in press coverage: not hinted at, not murmured about, not quoted anonymously on background, not echoed by very serious columnists, not amplified, not manifested. And that contrast to 2 months ago is damning.
@inthehands because 99.99999% of all journalists in this world have less integrity than a bridge made out of white paper towels. That’s my guess anyways.
This is why I snicker at people ranting and grandstand over The sanctity of the free press.
The ongoing trickle of replies to this whole thread along the lines of “well the Republicans would never •actually• replace Trump” and “whose mind would that change?” are totally missing the assignment here.
@inthehands Interesting thought. A rational party might well want #tRump to quit, but he still has massive support in the US <:. Plus if he quits the election he could go to jail. And the #GOP is not necessarily rational.
@inthehands That entire thread of conversation is 100% on target. I'm not a journalist, I'm an engineer. But I did go through journalistic ethics training when I was at CNN and helped launch CNN.com. The right long since abandoned mainstream media because they thought it was biased against them. It's not becoming very clear that it's ALSO biased against ANYTHING that doesn't maximize the drama and thus eyeballs and ad revenue of politics.
“Even his most ardent base checked out after an hour, streaming out of the sparsley-populated auditorium, as he rambled incoherently past the hour mark.”
Gosh, how many of those Republicans “streaming out” wish they had a better candidate? Kind of wish Trump would just drop out?
You don’t know until you ask, my dear pressfolk! Chase them to the local diner! Fish for quotes until you get a juicy one! I know you know how this works: you did it with Biden.
@inthehands You're right: those diners are beckoning! All over again. Jess Piper recently reported on her blog that she saw very few Trump signs in deep-red, very pro-Trump southern Missouri, as she vacationed there. Lots of diners in that region to visit and get "real Americans" to talk!
Trump campaign desperately tries to paint president as cognitively competent, as his campaign is dogged by relentless press coverage of business leaders “startled by his inability keep a straight thought”
Just kidding
The press dropped this and wandered off because they were covering Biden, and the only person talking about it is Trump.
Greg Sargent takes out his scalpel and, dissection by dissection, goes on an absolute •rampage• about the MSM’s failure to cover Trump’s mental unfitness:
Sargent takes headlines about Biden pre-dropout, flips them to refer to Trump — basically what I'm doing upthread — and then asks:
❝ Are these headlines really stretches, based on all we’ve seen? I submit that they are not. … How often do you see headlines like this? Why don’t we see more of them? ❞
❝ This argument has never received an even remotely serious hearing from newsroom leaders at big media organizations. ❞
@aureliano Gentle, yes. I wouldn’t quite agree with “soft pedalled;” I think his methodical gentleness makes it hit extra hard. He’s not coming at them like an angry heckler hurling punches; he’s dissecting them alive.
“Wait, you're still keeping this megathread going, Paul?”
Trump just had the worst single day in a US presidential general election since…gosh…when?? He is a humiliation — not just a bad candidate, but mentally and emotionally incompetent.
Where is the mainstream coverage of that decline?
Where is the mainstream coverage of the behind-the-scenes effort to replace him?
Come to think of it, where are his hacked emails? Press has 'em!
Don’t tell me there isn’t a single person, not a one, somewhere in the Republican Party machine who’s privately wishing for a different candidate right now.
This is totally absent in press coverage: not hinted at, not murmured about, not quoted anonymously on background, not echoed by Serious Columnists, not amplified, not manifested.
I mean, Dick Cheney endorsed him, for god’s sake. Dick Cheney!! Yet…zero speculation about palace intrigue to yeet Trump.
My dear political pressitarians, you don't even have to •find• these people in the Republican machine desperately trying behind the scenes to replace Trump. You just have •speculate• about them!
Again, we all know you know how this works. You did it with Biden.
@inthehands I’m for the equivalent to the Clooney op-ed in the Washington Post. Maybe from Hulk Hogan.
Drove Dawn to O’Hare yesterday. Listened to Ezra Klein podcast. Annoyed Dawn by continually saying to Mr. Klein, “So this is where you call for the GOP to dump Trump, right?” Preferably with some giddy speculation about how exciting the succession struggle would be. But no.
- Trump is mass-cancelling crucial appearances, which Biden never did - Trump is far more rambling and incoherent than Biden has ever been, ever - Trump stopped answering questions and lapsed into swaying to his own playlist for 39 minutes at a live event, which Biden…I mean, come the fuck on - Trump is even more overtly fascist
…yet none of this receives even a fraction of the mainstream coverage Biden’s mellow old age received.
@mdione I think it’s complicated. Some press orgs are pure right-wing propaganda efforts at this point. There are plenty of reporters, even some at those orgs, who aren’t bought and would like to do better, but can’t get their heads out of the horse race mentality. There are certainly owners who are exerting pressure down the ladder, and editors responding to that pressure. It’s a whole-system failure, complex in its details, disturbingly straightforward in its results.
@tehstu I don’t think it’s conspiracy nonsense to say that the people who bankroll Trump have an agenda, or to say that backroom donor pressure and flattery got Vance in the door.