@sun@shitposter.world I think he forgets that nobody but corporations that want those things done contribute to linux foundation
TBH it's less "Linux" and more "whatever the big tech companies want to try to openly collaborate on" foundation, it just happened that linux was the first thing on the agenda
@ignaloidas@sun about 70% of large LF sponsors have been caught violating GPL. Not accidentally violating with apologies and posts like "yeah, sorry, Bob forgot to upload the code, we'll fix this shortly", but rather blatantly. Also, both LF and FSF aren't particularly happy when individual devs start GPL litigations on their own accord and volition.
@idiot@ignaloidas@sun there was a case when one of the kernel devs starting sending GPL letters, demanding compliance and source code release, with threats of litigation, and FSF weren't happy about this and publicly borderline shamed him for doing that. I can't find the name right now.
@newt@ignaloidas@sun @ignaloidas @sun >Also, the FSF aren't particularly happy when individual devs start GPL litigations on their own accord and volition. Beg pardon? As opposed to what? Class actions? Using the FSF's lawyers? NOT litigating the issues?
Linux developers use some retarded method where they use EXPORT_MODULE("GPL") (i.e. any version of the GPL) to mean that "this module is under the GPLv2 (who knows if it's -only or -or-later) and we feel like utilizing such module's interface makes a derivative work", even though the whole of Linux should be GPLv2 as there is a massive chain of derivative works resulting from its custom interfaces and the concept of a "non-GPLv2" module makes no sense.
The derivative work status carries through any "wrapper module" no matter what games you play and writing a "wrapper module" indicates wilful copyright infringement as the infringee has understood what is required and has tried to get around that.
If Linus wasn't completely spineless, he would respond to such infringement of his copyright by withdrawing his license permanently and noting that he would be seeking maximal damages for any further copyright infringement, but he won't.
TL;DR Linus hates ZFS for some unfathomable reason. ZFS uses a bunch of internal Linux APIs that are only exported with EXPORT_GPL() macros, thus supposedly only available to GPL kernel modules. ZFS itself is licenced under CDDL (:rms: approved free software loicence), so to circumvent the restriction they threw in a wrapper module that re-exports those GPL-only functions for ZFS to use. Loooinooos isn't too happy about this and mentioned a few times that this might constitute a copyright protection violation under DMCA and that ZFS devs need to worry.
@newt@stereophonic.space@sun@shitposter.world I think SFC does more enforcement for Linux than LF tbh, I haven't heard LF doing anything like that tbh, and that doesn't surprise me
though to be fair, a bunch of linux is also de jure permissively licensed, with many drivers being dual-licensed under GPL and MIT or BSD, explicitly so that they could be used in other operating systems (BSDs mostly)
@ignaloidas@sun l'eunuchs is effectively permissively licensed. LF only enforces GPL against a rare vendor that refuses to pay up, and even then the process takes upwards of a decade.
And then there are various Chinese vendors who don't even give a shit.