@BronzeAgeHogCranker so similar issue then; didn't samsung or someone also get in trouble for hallucinating things that weren't there due to using image processing to "have a higher resolution"
@BronzeAgeHogCranker@sickburnbro That would be an incredible feat of retardation if the iPhone's upscaling algorithm did *that*, although it's not literally impossible.
The artifacts in those letters are something that occur in applications very far removed from anything I do regularly - I've seen this type of thing in medical imaging applications, where the point is that you have very low resolution *because increasing the resolution requires pumping your patient full of radiation*. There's no excuse for a consumer phone to be doing this, and if it *is* then Apple has an Engineer to fire.
@vrilium@wishgranter14 it doesn't make sense that "each sensor is unique" because the whole idea of manufacturing is to make cheap replicas of complex things. adding "digital fingerprints" is certainly possible, but feels more like something that would be done on the software side.
@sickburnbro this guy makes a valid point. that it is ai, just that it's iphones ai enhancements that were automatically generated. so, it's understandable if you mistake it for ai, because it is, it's just not deliberate. i know. i have to ruin the fun.
@wishgranter14@sickburnbro Do you trust the photos on your phone? What if it already uses generative AI to filter out certain things. So even if you have the correct EXIF data, and the checksum matches, it doesn't mean the image is an accurate depiction of reality. All digital images are suspect. Unless you know what to look for, you won't even realize what it replaces and filters out, what it adds. What the sensor captures isn't what is in the image file. Why do you think people are going back to analog? Because digital photos no longer have any trust, even more each sensor is unique meaning photos can be traced back to the phone that took them. Can't trust reality anymore. :pills:
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@vrilium@wishgranter14 I'm pretty sure the manufacturing tolerates are pretty stupid high on modern CCDs just because what they are trying to get the technology to do.
The question is then "do meaningful differences exist between the response of these that can be easily encoded" easily because I mean it's not like your phone doesn't already have an IMEI identifier on it
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@vrilium@wishgranter14 yeah, I mean I've looked at enough of the high end camera stuff to know that the preferred method for the pros that want to retouch their work is the raw ccd formats rather than a jpg, which makes me feel like that means even that simple operation is losing a ton of information.
@sickburnbro@vrilium@wishgranter14 You can do ballistics analysis on cameras to determine which camera took which photo. It's not easy, and the last time I looked at that field of study they basically had it down to make/model, and were eyeing trying to differentiate between different cameras of the same make/model.
Getting camera ballistics at the same level of that is like the dream of more than a few researchers. There's obviously work that can be done in that field, we're nowhere near "the best we could ever do" yet.
@Diogenese_Shiplap@vrilium@wishgranter14 I don't think that is what will happen. What I think *will* happen is that photo or video evidence of anything will not be unimpeachable evidence, but mere hearsay.
There are really, really tough cameras out there though. Seeing what the launch site cameras at Starbase go through and survive, it's *possible* to make a tough camera. You just don't want to try to carry it in your pocket.
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@BronzeAgeHogCranker@sickburnbro What you view as extreme retardation is industry standard practice. These algorithms are a flaw of the digital medium, even analog cameras are not immune and have their own artifacts.
@marlin@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@BronzeAgeHogCranker for sure, but I think if this was happening all over the place, you'd see it in more than a 10 year old article about a specific zerox copier. It's like they say - people do contracts digitially now and if shit was changing numbers all over the place, people would be hanging software developers in the streets
@sickburnbro@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@BronzeAgeHogCranker Yes, and in this case if every tech company is using the same algorithm or even worse the same open source image compression library to produce jpgs then you'll see the same type of artifacts in real and AI generated images.