Bootcamps are just filtering services. Unless you care a lot about programming and tech, you're not going to get beyond the basics. It's a lot of money to pay for some networking for the chance of started off as a junior somewhere and skipping the 2~4 year school process.
@djsumdog@deprecated_ii No, it's like trying to become a medical doctor and joining a "doctor in 6 months" cram course. Would you trust that guy to know what the hell he is doing?
Learning takes time. Developing skills takes time. Bootcamp graduate tells me A.: you very new to all of this and probably suck B.: you don't have enough passion to learn it yourself and had to hire a teacher
I've got test suites. I've got documentation. I've even got some contributors, and that's just a crap project.
I've met plenty of whites, Indians and blacks who write shit code. I've also met several of each that know what they're doing. Hell, even the Chinese devs I worked with in Australia were all good at what they did. The one Chinese girl I worked with in Seattle was god awful.
I can't comment on the radios with my limited sample sets, but just fuck off with your "Indians fucking things up"
@white_male@djsumdog@deprecated_ii If that was true, we wouldn't have so many problems with hired Indians fucking things up in tech. There is a bit more to it.
@djsumdog@deprecated_ii@white_male Hey dude, you are to worked up about this. It's cool that you are good at coding. Great even. Don't take Indian jokes personally. It's just in vogue right now. There are good and bad people of any race and creed. And everyone is a little bit racist against everyone else. I'm sure Indians make fun of white people too.