nobody counts all the votes. nobody knows who wins any election. this is basically how we all know about the world. lots of different people providing info. some of them lie but hopefully with multiple sources, enough don't.
the conspiracy mindset is that enough of these processes can be rigged. the grifter mindset is that one can claim it's rigged and people will believe those claims and begin to think the grifter is the most reliable source. then what can the grifter do?
the argument is not that I know what's right and others do not. but I think I do just as everybody else does too. if we all discuss this stuff with an open mind, we will get closer. it's the blind men with the elephant parable. you seem to want to shut me up. I do not want to shut you up.
as I said, outside of Trump's claims about 2020, supporting Biden or Trump in 2024 is reasonable imo. but there's an irrationality in his claims and people believing him that's dangerous.
@wjmaggos@Dhowjen Well, thank you. Now that I’ve put on these glasses that you’ve been wearing for years, Do you believe Biden is the better option? If so, why?
it's not. I don't understand why you think I believe this. I am not just being contrarian. see all my past positions. I try to think through everything and be honest about my views and where I think others are going wrong. people shouldn't call others Nazis etc for disagreeing with them. I'm sorry. I say that here. but I also say don't call people sheep etc. I think I'm trying to get people to put the glasses on, but there's lots of different ideologies.
@wjmaggos@Dhowjen I’m not comfortable with the source of evidence, you are, agree to disagree. I resort to it because that’s what you do every time. You don’t converse with people, you say “You people believe this” then punch the straw man you’ve created. I get it, you like arguing & being a contrarian. I used to enjoy it until people I considered friends started calling me a nazi, racist, etc. It was fun, then they started to believe they were seizing the moral high ground.
@wjmaggos I know what the government told the media to report. Same as you. I did not count the votes, I do not know the people who did. And there it is again “You guys” “Y’all”, it’s clear to me that you believe there is a singular other box different from your own. I assure you the world is more complex than your world view allows you to believe.
right. we should never refer to any people as agreeing on anything unless we talk to them all (you violated this rule above in referring to liberals) and we should never accept anything as true unless we confirm it ourselves (did Trump?). good luck sticking with this during your next show. hopefully @Dhowjen calls you on it every time. you always resort to this complaint in these conversations when you have nothing substantial left.
please answer my question about the 2020 election.
cause it's fundamentally different than the vaccines. there's evidence the vaccines hurt people and weren't as effective as claimed. you don't have that for the election. GOP reps elected with the same ballots they claim were rigged against Trump, didn't hesitate to take their seats. it's crap you guys say to stay in the club. you don't believe it. like Dems saying trans women are real women. nobody revolted. one woman got shot and y'all pussied out.
@wjmaggos my opinion on 2020 is irrelevant when considering 2024. This is not some clever trap. I believe the election was as fair as the vaccines were safe and effective.
@wjmaggos I think your views are that of a typical liberal, a black and white worldview. People of this belief system typically excel at prematurely putting people into boxes. After 4 years of Biden’s leadership, is it unfathomable to believe that people might have changed their minds about him?
@spacemanspiff@wjmaggos@nam Nearly? The whole thing is rigged five different ways. Anyone who saw what happened in 2020 and still thinks this nation has real "elections" is delusional.